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Sarah's Favorite Things
A blogpost about my products, and the supplies and tools I use regularly. Here's a downloadable PDF for you!
Art Quilt Design From Photo to ThreadWork
Click here to visit the blogpost with a preview video clip from my Quilting Arts/Interweave video workshop, Art Quilt Design from Photo to Threadwork, including Fabric Collage and Machine Quilting. You can order the DVD from me or the DVD or download (the high def is amazing!) from the Interweave Store.
Interview with Sarah
A student at nearby Maine Media Workshops called me up to interview as part of her class project. The results are a fun video you can see here.
Sarah's YouTube Channel
I also have a few tidbits from here and there on YouTube. Click on this link or use the YouTube Icon at the top of the page. The newest video is a tour of my Solo Exhibit at the New England World Quilt show 2019, here.
Interview: Alex Anderson of the Quilt Show interviews Sarah
In October 2019, Sarah appeared in episode 2508 of The Quilt Show. You can see a trailer for the show here; to view the entire show you must be a member of The Quilt Show. As part of that, Alex skyped with Sarah and interviewed her. Click here to see that interview on YouTube.
Class Information
For class information, please click on "Workshops & Schedule" in the menu bar. Please click on the class title below to download the PDF Supply list for that class. If you are taking a class at a show that requires a sewing machine, check with the show to see if machines are provided--if so don't bring yours. Please DO email me with questions. Please note, these supply lists are protected by copyright and are offered here for the personal use of my students only. Balinese Garden
Lost Quilts:
My two quilts are still lost, probably forever. But just in case, here is the information:
ALERT: two of my quilts were lost on or near October 11, 2012, in Lomita, California after having been in two shows. They are Fields of Gold (left) and Dogwood::Dawn (right). For more information, please see my blogpost here. Here are the two missing quilts:

If you know anything about there whereabouts, please use the contact me page and let me know. Thanks!
Favorite Products and Stores:
- Alewives Fabrics
In Damariscotta Mills, about 1 1/2 miles inland from coastal Route 1, this store is absolutely worth the brief and scenic drive along the Great Salt Bay.
- Dick Blick
A great place (both online and brick and mortar stores) for art supplies (lots of art supplies!) at a good price. I am not responsible for Visa Accidents!
- eQuilter
Another fabulous on-line source for not just fabrics but books, patterns (including mine!), and cool "stuff" with which to embellish quilts.
- Fiddlehead Artisan Supply
In Belfast, Maine, about 25 minutes north of me, is a fabulous shop with art and quilting supplies--the only thing that would make it better is food, and you can get that just a few doors down the street!
- GloDerWorks
All the good things about this website are due to Gloria Hansen's marvelous ability with the computer, which is equaled by her marvelous ability as an art quilter, and Derry Thompson--who has probably forgotten more about computers than I could learn in a lifetime. I can highly recommend working with the entire GloDerWorks team (which keeps growing!). They are professional, responsive and creative.
- Janome
In late 2003, I fell in love with the Janome 6500P sewing machine. I approached Janome, and greatly appreciate their confidence in me. Two decades later, I am still in love with Janome's machines and proud to be a Janome Artisan.
- Paula Burch
Paula Burch has created a wonderful comparison chart for Procion MX dyes available from different companies. I have found this site most helpful in learning how to mix dyes and understanding how, for example, a red from one company compares to the red from another company.
- Pro Chemical & Dye
ProChem is one of the major dye-houses in the US, and they have just about everything you could possibly need (besides the ideas, of course!). They have their own testing lab which results in top quality dye. Best of all, their on-line tutorials / directions are fabulous. Look towards the bottom of each page for an underscored link - you can even print them out as I have done for ready-reference. I keep my pages in plastic page protectors which I can set out on my table while working.
- a matter of time textiles, an exhibit and book curated by Brenda Gael Smith, includes Milkweed. No. 2.
- Snowy Owl, Acadia in the Inspired by the National Parks Exhibit book curated by Donna DeSoto, 2016.
- Machine Quilting Unlimited, January/February 2016, an article on Challenging Quilts about my quilt “Descended From the Stars.”
- Quilting Arts 15th Anniversary Issue, December 2015: Descended From the Stars featured in the article on the Affinity exhibit (debuted at IQF Houston, Fall 2015).
- Quilting Arts Holiday 2015-16: Mixed Media tags project and Old School Gravy recipe.
- “The Fourth Layer: Stabilizing the Quilt Sandwich” in Machine Quilting Unlimited article, July/August 2015.
- Opportunity (watercolor illustration) in Inspirational Quotes Illustrated by Lesley Riley.
- 1000 Quilt Inspirations: Colorful and Creative Designs for Traditional, Modern, and Art Quilts, by Sandra Sider, March 2015: Bird of Paradise and Log Cabin..
- Quilting Arts Holiday issue, 2014: Easy Peasy Inside Out bag and Easy Peasy Inside Out Card Case.
- Inspired by the Beatles by Donna DeSoto, 2014, Two of Us quilt included in book/exhibit.
- Banner featured in Janome advertisements, second half of 2014, including the back cover of American Quilter magazine, November 201 4 issue.
- “Basting Your Quilt, the Unlovable Task,” Machine Quilting Unlimited article, September/October 2014.
- “Healthy and Comfortable Machine Quilting” about quilting ergonomics, Machine Quilting Unlimited article, July/August 2014.
- “Aids to Smoother Quilting,” about useful tools and gadgets, Machine Quilting Unlimited article, May/June 2014.
- “Dust Happens,” about sewing machine maintenance, Machine Quilting Unlimited article, March/April 2014.
- Dare to Dance: An Art Quilt Challenge by Mary Kerr, 2014, Mr. Wiggles Does the Circle Dance.
- “Put Your Best Foot Forward,” about choosing the correct presser foot for machine quilting, Machine Quilting Unlimited article, January/February 2014.
- “Art Quilt Design from Photo to Threadwork, including Fusible Collage and Machine Quilting,” A Quilting Arts Workshop, 2013. . A 74 minute video workshop
- “Quilting with Metallic Threads,” Machine Quilting Unlimited article, September/October 2013.
- “Stenciled Snowflake Decorations” project in Quilting Arts Gifts, Holiday 2013/2014.
- “What a Difference the Background Makes,” article Quilting Arts magazine August/September 2013.
- Quilt Essential by Erin Harris, four quilts featured.
- 100 pretty little projects, Lark Crafts: The Elusive Batiki Bird project
- Cutting-Edge Art Quilts by Mary Kerr, 2013, pages 72-75: Clothed in Color, The Wall, Cookie? PLEEEZE Cookie!, and Joshua.
- Conversations 1 in The Quilt Scene, a special issue from Quilting Arts Magazine, Fall 2012.
- “Fields of Gold” published on the last page, The Quilt Life, April 2012.
- “Joshua” Included in The Studio Quilt, No. 6: The State of the Art, by Sandra Sider.
- The Best of Quilting Arts, edited by Pokey Bolton, includes my Edge Finishes articles, November 2011.
- Point, Click, Quilt! Turn your Photos into Fabulous Fabric Art by Susan Brubaker Knapp includes Blue Buoys. 2011 C&T Publications.
- 500 Art Quilts: An Inspiring Collection of Contemporary Work, edited by Ray Hemachandra, curated by Karey Bresenhan, Lark Books, 2010. Includes “Koi” and “A Sense of Place.”
- Quilting Arts Gifts issue, Holiday 2010-2011: Art Cloth Fabric Frames, p. 122
- The Elusive Crested Batiki Bird, a project in the Lark Books Simply Mini Quilts, 2010 (selected projects from their earlier book); on the cover again!
- Unraveling Threadwork by Sarah Ann Smith, 2009, AQS books. About using thread on the surface of a quilt for appliqué, free-motion and decorative stitching and quilting.
- The Elusive Crested Batiki Bird, a project in the Lark Books Pretty Little Mini Quilts, 2010 and the cover quilt!
- The Quilter Magazine, feature article on Sarah, September 2009 issue.
- Machine Quilting Unlimited, guest design columnist Fall 2008 through January 2010. Fall 2008: article on sewing machine needles. Winter 2008: article on tension. Future articles will cover quilting design for machine quilters.
- Quilting Arts Embellishments, Issue 104 (October 2008) and ??? (December 9, 2008), the online newsletter for Quilting Arts magazine, featured a leaf-printing tutorial and a binding tutorial
- QuiltMania (France): a large photo of Koi is featured in a long article on the AQS/Paducah show.
- Creative Quilting With Beads by Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader, Lark Books, May 2008. Two projects included, one is used for the cover.
- Quilters Home one-page article, May-June 2008.
- The Tide is Hire featured on the inside cover of the Australian Quilting Convention brochure, January 2008.
- Quilting Arts Magazine, August and October 2007 Issues: On the Edge. Two articles on edge-finish treatments.
- Quilting Arts Magazine, Winter 2006, article on The Frayed Edges, a “mini-group” of which I am a part.
- The Journal Quilt Book by Karey Bresenhan: five journal quilts selected, including one used on the opening of the Flowers section.
- Fabric Trends Magazine, Summer 2005: Under the Bali Sea pattern published featuring Princess Mirah Designs for Bali Fabrics, Inc., batiks.
- British Patchwork and Quilting, DATE: Lead item in quilting on the web featured my website and work.
- I Remember Mama by Karey Bresenhan: “Bedtime” and “Happy 80th Birthday Mama” (featured on the opening page of the 2003 section).
- “Bijagos Warrior” featured in Janome-America sewing machine company full-page ads in national-level quilt shows, 2005. Published in the Fall/Holiday 2004 Janome International Digest.
- St. David’s Quilt featured in an article in Quilters’ Newsletter Magazine, December 2004.
- Balinese Garden pattern and article published in the Summer 2004 Janome International Digest.
Exhibits and Awards:
- Acadia: Snowy Owl juried in to Inspired by the National Parks: Their Landscapes and Wildlife in Fabric Perspectives and was one of selected works that debuted at the International Quilt Festival, 2015.
- “Happy 80th Birthday, Mama” exhibited in the Kimono Exhibit at the Texas Quilt Museum, Spring to early summer, 2015.
- “Mr. Wiggles Does the Circle Dance” exhibited in the Dare to Dance Quilt Exhibit touring the United States in 2014-15.
- “Insalata” Juried in to the SAQA-Studio Art Quilt Associates exhibit “Food for Thought” that debuted at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah in 2015, travel to the UK, Ireland, Australia and other venues over the next several years.
- Living Colour Textiles exhibit touring Australia and New Zealand (2014-15), Amaryllis.
- National Quilt Association, 2014, Ohio: Clothed in Color.
- American Quilters Society show, Paducah 2014: Conversations 1.
- 500 Traditional Quilts exhibit (selected works), IQA Houston and Chicago and the Texas Quilt Museum, Haleakala Sunrise and Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul.
- Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul and From the Schooner Coast exhibited in the IQA exhibit Traditional Treasures. At IQA shows in early and mid 2014.
- Reflections Exhibit, IQA Chicago and Houston, 2014: Eli, Cross Country 2013.
- International Quilt Festival 2013, Houston, TX: Tomatoes, Basil and Garlic in Art Quilts Pictorial.
- An Exquisite Moment Exhibit, IQA Long Beach and Houston, 2012: Listen to the Song in the Night.
- “Clothed In Color” and “Conversations 1” in Pacific International Quilt Festival 2013, Santa Clara, California.
- International Quilt Festival 2012, Houston, TX: “Conversations 1” in Art Quilts Pictorial.
- “Clothed in Color” in Maine Quilts 2013, Augusta, Maine, July 2013.
- Rituals Exhibit, IQA Long Beach and Houston, 2011: Strength and Calm.
- 2012 Quilt Festival, LaConner, WA, “ From The Schooner Coast.”
- “Joshua” in AQS Lancaster, March 2012
- A Quilter’s Gathering, Nashua, NH, 2011: Joshua / Teachers’ Exhibit.
- Then and Now, 2011, Mancuso’s World Quilt Show (NH) and Pacific International Quilt Festival.
- The Frayed Edges at Camden Public Library, July 2011.
- The Space Between Exhibit, IQA Long Beach, Houston and beyond, 2011: Clothed in Color.
- Under the Surface Exhibit, IQA Long Beach, Houston and Ohio, 2010-11: Joshua.
- Images 2010: Be Inspired No. 1 (Honorable Mention winner) and “Cookie? PLEEEZE Cookie!”.
- International Quilt Festival 2010, Houston, TX: “Cookie? PLEEEZE Cookie!” in Art Quilts Miniature/A World of Beauty; “Koi” and “A Sense of Place: The Wall” in 500 Art Quilts/Lark Books exhibit.
- International Quilt Festival 2009, Houston, TX: Fields of Gold is juried in and wins a Second Place ribbon in Art Quilts-Miniature.
- Pacific International Quilt Festival 2009, Santa Clara, CA: Be Inspired, No. 1, is juried in (to be held in October 2009).
- The Jonathan Frost Gallery, Quilts and Textile Arts, Rockland, Maine: Five pieces juried in including Tea, Autumn on the Village Green, Camden Sunset, Tree Branch Moon and A Sense of Place: The Wall. September 16 to October 24.
- Maine Quilts 2009, “Be Inspired, Part 1” receives a first place blue ribbon and Judges’ Choice Award from Kathy Kansier.
- National Quilt Association, 2009, Columbus, OH: “Fields of Gold” in Invitational Exhibit; “Bijagos Warrior” wins an Honorable Mention Ribbon.
- American Quilters Society show April 2008, Paducah, KY, “Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul” is juried in for display.
- Pacific International Quilt Festival 2008, Santa Clara, CA: “Naiads” and “Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul.”
- Art Quilts XIII, the Chandler Center for the Arts, Chandler, AZ, “Fields of Gold” is juried in to a small but select group on display Nov. 7 to Dec. 31, 2008.
- Lowell Quilt Festival 2008, Lowell, MA, “Naiads” is juried in and receives an Honorable Mention; “Koi” and “Garuda Dances Under the Ocean Moon” displayed in the teachers’ quilts section.
- Maine Quilts 2008, “Naiads” receives a first place ribbon and Judges’ Choice from Lisa Erlandson; “Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul” receives a first place ribbon.
- American Quilters Society show April 2008, Paducah, KY, “Koi” is juried in for display.
- It’s Good to be Green, an invitational show curated by Larkin Van Horn, the Latimer Center for the Arts, Latimer, OR, ‘Naiads’ included.
- “The Boy and the Dragon,” in Fabled Fibers, a special exhibit; also published on the cover of the companion calendar; the Journal Quilts exhibit participant.
- Two Friends, a show of textile art by Sarah Ann Smith and Jan Pitcairn at Zoot Coffee, Camden, Maine, October 2007.
- Maine Quilts 2007, Augusta, Maine: “Koi” received a first place in wall quilts; “Bedtime” and “Flying Toast” in the non-juried portion of the show, and the group quilt I designed, coordinated and quilted “Coastal Quilters Chapter Banner” received a second place ribbon.
- Five Artists: Five Views, The Frayed Edges at the Camden Public Library, a group show with my mini-group, August 2007.
- Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Baker City, Oregon, July-August 2007. “Blackberries” was part of an invitational art quilt show featuring plants seen by those who followed the Oregon Trail.
- Art Quilts Maine show at the Saco Museum, Saco, Maine. “Bijagos Warrior” and “A Sense of Place: The Wall,” exhibited, April to July 2007.
- FiberArts for A Cause Reverse Auction to benefit cancer research, invited artist. “A Sense of Place: The Tree” sold on Gold Donor preview day for a premium pre-auction price.
- Ducktrap Bay Trading Company, an art gallery in Camden, Maine; representation since 2005.
- International Quilt Festival, Houston, TX, 2006: Imagine That! Viking Huskvarna Exhibit, “The Tide is Hire,” juried into a touring exhibit. This quilt is now part of the International Quilt Festival Collection and has been shown in the United Kingdom and Australia. The Journal Quilts exhibit participant.
- Val d’Argent, France, September 2006: Changing the World One Thread at a Time exhibit
- Pacific Northwest Quilt Expo, “Wish You Were Here” exhibit: “New England Autumn” donated and auctioned to benefit the Assn. of Pacific Northwest Quilters; exhibit toured extensively 2004-6.
- International Quilt Association (IQA) Festival, Houston, TX, 2005, Chicago, IL, Spring 2006, and Quilt Expo Europe 2006: “Bedtime” juried into the touring “I Remember Mama” exhibit. “Dogwood::Dawn” juried into the QuiltArt 10th Anniversary exhibit. Journal Quilts exhibit participant.
- Selected pieces available at Ducktrap Bay Trading Company (art gallery), Camden, ME, 2005 to date.
- “Nautilus” postcard purchased by Karey Bresenhan for the IQA collection, 2005.
- American Quilters’ Society, Paducah, KY, 2005: “Bijagos Warrior” juried into the prestigious annual show. LaConner Quilt Museum: Rebecca Barker Challenge, “Autumn on the Village Green,” May-July 2005.
- Camden National Bank: one-woman show, June 2005; July 2006.
- Frayed Edges 4-woman show at Little Dog Coffee Shop, Brunswick, ME, April-June 2005.
- IQA Houston 2004: Journal quilts participant; “Bijagos Warrior” on display in the Janome America booth for Market and Festival (I am honored that they have included me in their artist program); “Garuda Dances Under the Ocean Moon” in the Bali Fabrics, Inc. booth for Market (and I’m thrilled to be able to work with Bali Fabrics to showcase their beautiful batiks).
- Myths and Legends on-line challenge and exhibit, 2004, many venues including La Conner Quilt Museum (upcoming, Spring 2006): “Dogwood::Dawn”, award-winner.
- Boothbay Harbor Quilt Festival, Maine, 2004: “From Sea to Shining Sea”; juried into show, award winner in three categories.
- Pacific International Quilt Festival, 2004, Santa Clara, CA: “Bijagos Warrior”, juried into show.
- World Quilt Fest, Michigan and N.H., 2004: “Pele Sleeps”, juried into shows.
- Assn. of Pacific NW Quilts Quiltfest 2004, Seattle: “Alms, Kyoto 1996” juried into show; “New England Autumn” made and donated to the “Wish You Were Here” exhibit fundraiser, for the benefit of the APNQ; published in the Spring 2005 newsletter.
- IQA Houston 2003: Journal quilts participant; I Remember Mama Exhibit –quilt made for my mom’s 80th birthday exhibited; Finalist in the judged show, “Alms, Kyoto 1996.”
Alewives Fabrics
In Damariscotta Mills, about 1 1/2 miles inland from coastal Route 1, this store is absolutely worth the brief and scenic drive along the Great Salt Bay.
Dick Blick
A great place (both online and brick and mortar stores) for art supplies (lots of art supplies!) at a good price. I am not responsible for Visa Accidents!
Another fabulous on-line source for not just fabrics but books, patterns (including mine!), and cool "stuff" with which to embellish quilts.
Fiddlehead Artisan Supply
In Belfast, Maine, about 25 minutes north of me, is a fabulous shop with art and quilting supplies--the only thing that would make it better is food, and you can get that just a few doors down the street!
All the good things about this website are due to Gloria Hansen's marvelous ability with the computer, which is equaled by her marvelous ability as an art quilter, and Derry Thompson--who has probably forgotten more about computers than I could learn in a lifetime. I can highly recommend working with the entire GloDerWorks team (which keeps growing!). They are professional, responsive and creative.
In late 2003, I fell in love with the Janome 6500P sewing machine. I approached Janome, and greatly appreciate their confidence in me. Two decades later, I am still in love with Janome's machines and proud to be a Janome Artisan.
Paula Burch
Paula Burch has created a wonderful comparison chart for Procion MX dyes available from different companies. I have found this site most helpful in learning how to mix dyes and understanding how, for example, a red from one company compares to the red from another company.
Pro Chemical & Dye
ProChem is one of the major dye-houses in the US, and they have just about everything you could possibly need (besides the ideas, of course!). They have their own testing lab which results in top quality dye. Best of all, their on-line tutorials / directions are fabulous. Look towards the bottom of each page for an underscored link - you can even print them out as I have done for ready-reference. I keep my pages in plastic page protectors which I can set out on my table while working.
Carol Soderlund
Carol is an award winning quilt artist who paints and dyes incredible fabrics. She also teaches workshops in dyeing and quilting arts.
Deborah's Studio
Fellow Frayed Edge Deborah Boschert has a great blog and a great website. Click on this link to visit both!
Frances Caple
Frances Caple uses the woolens from the Outer Hebrides to make her fiber favorites are her windows pieces.