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Sitting Pretty, a Teen Center Fundraiser


Camden (Maine) is fortunate to have a wonderful Teen Center which is open free of charge to 5th through 12th graders here. It is mostly enjoyed by the middle school kids and younger teens (and it happens to be located a short walk from the middle school), my oldest son among them. They have had a fun fund-raiser the past year or two at least, and this year I got to be a part of it. Folks donate chairs or stools, which artists of various sorts then gussy up for sale at the auction. When I went, there weren’t a whole lot of options… I wanted to do something larger than a stepstool, so this tall stool was about it. Alas, I forgot to take a picture of it in its initial dark brown stain, which I sanded. I then painted it with the same aqua that I used on my new fabric shelves (shelving seen here — note, all photos are clickable to view larger).

all blue

Then I got out my craft paints, selected as many fun colors as I could find (bright blues were gone, and the fuchsia, alas, was solidified beyond using…sob!). The palette above is lovely, don’t you think? Here is a view of the chair while being polyurethaned (and does anyone know why my craft paints might have smeared a bit when coated????):

Being polyurethaned

And a view of the front when done:

Front view

And the back:

Back of chair

And a close up of the seat (that light spot in the center is just that, a light / reflection):

Close up

7 Responses to “Sitting Pretty, a Teen Center Fundraiser”

  1. Marie Says:

    it is, simply, FABULOUS !!! WOWie ZOWie ~!

  2. Fitzy Says:

    Maybe the drying-time is longer cuz it’s SO COLD? 8^)

    It’s very cute indeed!

  3. Jacquie Says:

    What fun you had with this project, Sarah! I smiled just looking at the photos — and the colors you used on the stool does bring spring (always late in Maine) to mind — very welcome at this season.

  4. Michele Says:

    Wow, what a great chair! It’s too wonderful to sit on!

  5. Kate Says:

    What a fun idea, Sarah. And I love the chair.

  6. natalya Says:

    what a fun chair! and yes very spring like…

  7. kathy Says:

    wow sarah!!! I haven’t ventured over here for a while because I thought you were so busy with your mother and california…but YOU’VE been doing fun stuff! I love this chair!