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Koi is going to Paducah!

I’m thrilled to report that my art quilt Koi has been juried into Paducah and, provided the USPS has gotten it there, is already in that city waiting to be hung for the show! Long-time readers will remember this quilt, which is actually two-sided. I used quite a lot of my own hand-dyed fabric for this quilt, as well as commercial batiks. This is the front (looking down on the pond):

Koi, front

Here is the back (from the bottom of the pond, looking up at the fish bellies and overhanging branches):

Koi, reverse

And here is a close-up of the front:

Koi, front detail

and the back:

Koi, reverse detail

I am especially thrilled, since Koi didn’t get juried into Houston (will try again this year, since that is permitted), and since I’ll be teaching in Paducah this year… always good when the teacher has a quilt in the show, eh?

6 Responses to “Koi is going to Paducah!”

  1. Cheri Says:

    Congratulations! I watched your postings while you made that, so this is especially fun. With a little luck I’ll get to go to Paducah this year (keeping my fingers crossed, I’ve never been!), and I’ll look for it. 🙂

  2. Marie Says:

    Woo Hoo !!!!! You go girl ! What fabulous news – and perfect timing for you ! Once, again, I am so proud!

  3. LoieJ Says:

    This is so vibrant and alive!

  4. Pond » Koi is going to Paducah! Says:

    […] Beside the Stream wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptHere is the back (from the bottom of the pond, looking up at the fish bellies and overhanging branches): And here is a close-up of the front: […]

  5. Andee Says:

    It is gorgeous. Love the idea of the seeing from above and below. The water looks great! WHOO HOO for you! Smile.

  6. Julie Says:

    So exciting for you. What catagory is it in? I’m hoping to go to Paducah this year, so I’ll try to see it and look you up!