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Workshops & Calendar

Today’s Teaching Tidbit

Lest any of you think your quilt teachers are getting rich on the teaching circuit…NOT!  I just got back from Staples, where (or is it an Office Depot? whatevah… a big box office store in Rockland) B&W copies are 8 cents each.   I made 920 copies which, including tax, comes to almost $80.  That is for six classes I’ll be teaching in Paducah.  Then I get to pay to SHIP that heavy box of stuff to Kentucky….. ahem….  Not to mention the time, gasoline, etc.  And the time to order the stuff for the kits, cutting the materials, doing the paperwork and accounting for the orders of materials, etc.  Oh well!

Real quilt content still coming, I promise…. just not today.  Gotta get this stuff packaged, boxed, and shipped first!  Box needs to be IN Kentucky by April 7th for teaching on the 23rd…..   a couple handouts just aren’t ready, so they will go in the suitcase with the quilts.  The teaching binders and master copies and laptop are going in the roll-aboard suitcase with ME! More anon my good friends…..

2 Responses to “Today’s Teaching Tidbit”

  1. Connie Briggs Says:

    Hey, Sarah, welcome to Kentucky.

  2. glennis Says:

    here is a tip on getting printed materials to a show-
    prepare all your files (pdf’s work great) and either save to flash memory or transmit files to a copy shop in the city you are traveling to (staples, kinkos, etc) get them printed in that city and ready for pick up when you arrive. saves on shipping all that dead weight. have done this many times and it works beautifully.