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Eli is TEN!!!!!

Egads how time flies. Now, why doesn’t the fat fly away with it? She said, grumbling a bit about still wearing the extra weight munched on during my first trimester with him…..

We are, of course, so proud of our wonderful boys. Eli had a grand 10th birthday at home, even though it was immediately after Mom and I came in from California! It was further complicated by the fact that Joshua had a wrestling meet after school that day, so time was short. But when we finally got home around 8, it was cake time:

Blowing out the candles

And old age is creeping up on him… ten whole candles challenged him LOL!

And presents. … Eli wanted two things: an iPod (the iPod Shuffle from his generous Aunt Joyce died after Eli left it in his pocket and Paul did the laundry; electronics and water don’t play nicely together) and ski stuff. All Camden 4th graders get 3 free ski lessons from the local Snow Bowl (clever folks they are). Of course, now Eli, the kid who hasn’t met a sport he doesn’t want to try, wants ski equipment and a season pass for next year. So…. with generous gifts from Aunt Joyce and Nana, he is on his way to a decent set of used skis, boots and poles (we’ll be at the ski swap meet next November!).

Ski equipment-to-be

And here, from Mom and Dad:


And there was one more thing….. Paul had asked me what I thought of this idea, and I said in about two years, maybe at Christmas… so of course while I was in California, Paul placed the order!

What’s this you ask?

What’s this?

A cell phone for Eli. Fortunately, we have a family plan, so the phone is free and a modest monthly charge in addition–we share 400 minutes a month which is enough for all of us:

cell phone

It will be useful next winter–we can drop Eli off at the Snow Bowl, then when he’s ready to come home he can call (or heaven forfend, if he falls on the slope and needs help). Still… a phone for a ten year old? Remember when we were kids and there was ONE phone for the entire family? And my Aunt Katie, in the boonies of Wyoming, was still on a party line?

6 Responses to “Eli is TEN!!!!!”

  1. terry grant Says:

    I know people cluck and snort at the idea of phones for kids, but it seems like a great idea to me! I think of the peace of mind for Mom if the kid can call if he misses the bus, gets sick at school or someplace where there isn’t a handy phone or whatever, not to mention things that we don’t even want to think about, like falling on the ski slopes. Just because it’s not like it used to be doesn’t mean it’s hopelessly indulgent. I say good for you and happy birthday to Eli!

  2. Wolfie Says:

    Of course a ten year old can/ought to? have a cell phone. John got my old one along with a cash card last fall and on his 9th birthday some weeks ago, he got a more recent laid of 😉 Sam got his first when he was 9 too, reason? That’s when they have started to go home from school alone, turn of the alarm and take care of the dogs. Now they can have a more free life of their own and can always get in touch when in need.

  3. Jacquie Says:

    It looks to have been a great birthday for a techie, sporty kid. May he use it in good health!

    BTW — wasn’t it a whole year ago that Pigwidgeon came to live with you? Eli does have great birthdays!!!

  4. Kate Says:

    It must be a ten year old thing – mine wants an iPOD and a cellphone as well. I’ve promised the cellphone when she leaves primary school/goes to secondary school (next July) on the proviso she has done well in school – oh, and she wants her ears pierced as well, of course! The iPod can wait – she has a cheap MP3 player, which she can make do with until she wants to spend her own money on an upgrade… Oh, and if your relatives want to send out more birthday cards with 50 dollar bills in them, I’ll give you my address 🙂 even at the current exchange rate, you can actually buy something with that!

  5. Laura Gawlinski Says:

    Hey Sarah,

    My Zachary wanted an iPod for his 10th birthday on March 5th. Crazy. No more toy toys for this boy. Of course, neither his dad or I have had time to really show him how to use it – I’m sure he already has it figured out, LOL.

    Happy Birthdays to our sweet men.


  6. Susan Says:

    I balked at the cell phone for the older kids and then the oldest boy (teens) was at the movies, his ride fell through, and there he was alone, unable to get in touch with us until he found someone who let them use their cell phone…if you look around, there’s hardly any pay phones anymore. I still don’t have a cell phone for the 8 year old but he still doesn’t really go anywhere solo, I guess double digits is the time to do it. and Happy Birthday to him!