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Wrestling begins and Joshua ROCKS!

Well folks, it’s that time of year again: WRESTLING season for the middle schools in Maine. And coincidentally, I’ve had a couple folks ask (thank you!) how Joshua is doing after that nasty accident last summer (if you’re new to my blog, he was on his bike, got hit by car, 3 weeks in hospital with badly broken leg etc–lots of blog posts after July 17…). Well, I’m thrilled to say, not only is he healed, but he WON BOTH of his first two matches of the season! WOOOT WOOOOOT WOOOOOOT!

First match, first round….

You could tell by the look on his face from the moment he walked on to the mat (photo above, start of first match) he was determined to win. (As an aside… if you look at the side of Joshua’s left leg in the photo above, you can see the shorter of the two scars he has on both sides of the lower leg…wicked!) Before he left the house (it was a home meet so we had an easy day getting there!) Joshua said he WAS going to win all his matches today, and he did! The first one was fairly easy—here’s Joshua pinning the other boy (who was clearly younger and less experienced)

Pinned, match 1

But the second match was supposed to be a tough one–The Camden-Rockport coach said he knew Joshua’s opponent and it should be a good match. As you can see, the boys are similar in size and build, tho I thought the other boy looked a bit more muscular than Joshua.

Match two, beginning

Hah! Here’s my boy (typed proudly) moving in straight away:

Moving in….

Joshua pinned BOTH opponents in the first round (matches are 3 one-minute rounds, scored on points, unless someone gets a pin sooner).

Match two, Pinned!

I must say, it does reduce a mom’s stress level to see a pin in round one versus a win on points at the end of round three! And after three seasons, I FINALLY got a good picture of Joshua with the hands-up for the win pose!

win to Camden-Rockport!

Thanks again to all who sent good wishes and good thoughts our way during Joshua’s ordeal last summer. The blocks many sent are waiting for me to have time (after  my mom is moved to Maine and the book is done) to make his new bed quilt (will be ready in time for cool fall weather I’m sure, I hope…..famous last words?), and we are all so incredibly grateful that he is alive and well — and rocks at wrestling!

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