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Caribbean color, part deux

OH MY… they’re even BETTER ironed and stacked….and please ignore the stacking oops on that top stack….the dark one is obviously out of order!

Stacked, dark side up

Stacked and sorted, dark end of the piles showing….

Stacked, light side up

Stacked and sorted, light side of the piles showing (the greens and browns are in the center of the piles).

Here’s what the piles look like before they are stacked:1






deepest shade of yellow

Aren’t those colors heavenly…. now, where to find the money and time to buy 350+ yards of fabric, dye, auxiliaries and dye a yard of each…the make quilts!

If you want to learn how to dye like this, please don’t ask me, go to the source: Carol Soderlund. She’s a whiz a teaching and a whiz at dyeing…. a great combination! She is so good that folks literally travel from around the world to take classes from her… no one else teaches how to get consistent reproducible results like she does! In my two classes, I’ve had classmates from across the US, Australia, France, The Netherlands and France… the word has obviously spread!

7 Responses to “Caribbean color, part deux”

  1. Vicki W Says:

    That’s awesome! I so want to take one of her classes. I can’t imagine how much you learned through this process.

  2. Caitlin O'Connor Says:

    What a beautiful colour set!

  3. Jacquie Says:

    Those fabrics look good enough to eat — jelly beans, Skittles, M&Ms — really sweet. I can’t think of the name of the hot candies but they are there too.
    Makes me want to drag out my dyes and PFD muslin and play! Just too yummy…

  4. Deborah Says:

    Wow! That is a lot of ironing. Beautiful.

  5. Robin Parton Says:

    What wonderful colors!!! Makes me want to get the dye and buckets out and have a dyeing good time.

  6. Gisela Towner Says:

    Oh wow! You’ve got me drooling all over my keyboard. About 4 projects from now I should have some time to dye…LOL

  7. cat stone Says:

    Sarah, these are fantastic! I’ll never get to do a class with Carol, but I do have a heap of dyes somewhere and some pfd fabric. Might have to get them out when the weather cools down a bit. Thanks for sharing.