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Bloghop-Giveaway: Lisa Walton

This drawing is now closed!  The winner is  comment 9, Jodie A!   Congratulations!

One of the joys of the internet is making friends around the world!   I’ve even “seen” Lisa’s studio and hubby thanks to the wonder of Skype!  Today I’d like you to meet Lisa Walton from Sydney, Australia.   Her passion for dyeing fabric and art quilts has turned into a wonderful business, Dyed and Gone to Heaven, and career as international teacher (tutor in Australian), author, and artist.  She fell in love with beads and then with surface design, and you can see all of these skills in her work.   Lisa has reviewed  my DVD workshop on her blog, Fibre Inspirations.  Yep, this video again:

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts' Interweave Store, here.   And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

My video workshop.

To order a DVD, visit my Store page here, or to order either the DVD or a digital download, visit Quilting Arts’ Interweave Store, here.  And, of course, you can enter the various giveaways thanks to the generous quilt artists who are helping me give away copies!

Lisa is the author of a new book that features her hand-dyed fabrics (which by the way you can order, and postage and travel-time from Australia to the US are not too bad!), but you can easily make these fun and fast quilts–and gorgeous too–using batiks and other commercial fabrics:

Beautiful Building Block Quilts by Lisa Walton.  Order from her, here.

Beautiful Building Block Quilts by Lisa Walton. Order from her, here.

I frequently think I need to loosen up, and Lisa’s book has me hankering to try one of the Building Block Quilts.  I’m also seriously in love with some of Lisa’s stencilled quilts, a technique she teaches!  She sells ArtistCellar stencils, too.  I think I may see a small splurge in my future!

Many of you may recognize Bushfire, which Lisa made with Nic Bridges, as it was on the cover of the AQS books catalog one season!

Bushfire by Lisa Walton and Nic Bridges

Bushfire by Lisa Walton and Nic Bridges

Then there is this beauty–don’t you want to just go dye fabric and then PLAY?

Crystallisation by Lisa Walton

Crystallisation by Lisa Walton

One of these days I hope I get to Australia, then I can visit Lisa and Peter at home, and they can tell me all the fabulous places to eat–Lisa’s FaceBook photos of her meals around the world are enticing!

Thank you so much, Lisa, for taking time from a VERY busy season to watch and review my workshop!

Please visit Lisa’s blog to learn how to leave a comment and a chance to win a download version of my video workshop, Art Quilt Designs From Photo to Threadwork!

And before I close this post, I have to share Fields of Gold, a quilt made with a gift from Lisa of her fabric.  The yard ranged from rust to gold to green….it is Lisa’s fabric that TOTALLY made this quilt work!

Fields of Gold by Sarah Smith, made with fabric by Lisa Walton.  This quilt went missing when a private exhibit curator lost it in autumn 2011.

Fields of Gold by Sarah Smith, made with fabric by Lisa Walton. This quilt went missing when a private exhibit curator lost it in autumn 2011.



18 Responses to “Bloghop-Giveaway: Lisa Walton”

  1. Linda Fleming Says:

    I need this DVD so I can learn to PLAY!

  2. Beth B Says:

    Lisa’s fabric and quilts are great!

    I would love to win the DVD so that I can try some of the techniques that you show. I have been a fan of yours for a while and want to take my projects to another level. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. ElaineM Says:

    I would love to have this DVD so that i could improve my stitch work. Threadwork and quilting are not my strength. It seems that this could help me.

  4. suzie hammond Says:

    I am in South America and my access to resources is pitifully limited. So I need to create my own fabric prints and others tools. This DVD would be a great help

  5. Kelly Jackson Says:

    I keep hopping around hoping to win the DVD too…LOL. I guess there will be many names in the hat. Perhaps because of all the excellent reviews.


  6. Suzanne Gwynne Says:

    I need your workshop, Sarah! I am very comfortable with handwork and specialty threads but sewing machines and threadwork is a whole different ballgame. I dye fabric and take my own photographs so I have ideas for art quilts. The big blank area where i have no experience and nothing to learn from is just what your Dvd is all about: thread! It is no small thing that I also like your style and subject matter in your own art.

  7. Debbie M Says:

    I enjoyed the video clip of part of the DVD and owning your wonderful freemotion book, I know this DVD would be great, too! Besides, instructional DVD’s are just like any other stash. You can never have enough of the good ones! Thanks, Sarah Ann and Lisa.

  8. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    NOTE TO ALL: Comments will close at midnight Dec. 6th, U.S. East Coast time. I will draw a winner and announce on the morning of Dec. 8th because I will be doing a Cross-Country and Track and Field team fundraiser all day Saturday, Dec. 7th!

  9. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    The next 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Jodie A Says:
    November 30th, 2013 at 8:24 am

    Lisa told me to come here. I was intrigued, to find out more, so I did. Drool

  10. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Marsha Says:
    November 30th, 2013 at 8:39 am

    I would like to win because I live too far away for a workshop….

  11. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Jody Says:
    November 30th, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    I would love to win so I can take my work to the next level with guidance.

  12. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Kathy Petrie Says:
    November 30th, 2013 at 11:47 pm

    I think the book looks fabulous and would really enjoy being able to expand my skills.

  13. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    donna adams Says:
    December 4th, 2013 at 11:21 am

    I would love to win because I have so much in my head that is longing to get out and into fabric all needs some serious help to get there! This book looks like it may be just the cure!

  14. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Barbaa Holder Says:
    December 4th, 2013 at 2:30 pm

    Sarah, your Thread Work Unravel book is my thread bible. Thus, I am convinced that your Art Quilt Design DVD will help me achieve my goal of becoming an art quilter.

  15. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Dena Dale Crain Says:
    December 5th, 2013 at 2:18 am

    Count me in! I want to win because I’ll have a quick look at the dvd and then donate it to the Kenya Quilt Guild’s Library where 100 quilters in and around Nairobi will have a chance to study and learn from it. Great idea, this bloghop!!


  16. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Linda R Jackson Says:
    December 5th, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    Would love to learn from this. Thanks for the offer to win.

  17. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    These 7 or 8 comments were left on a different post but are part of this drawing (there was some confusion about where folks should comment on Lisa Walton’s part of the bloghop). They were submitted during the appropriate time frame.

    Eldrid schafer Says:
    December 6th, 2013 at 1:54 pm

    As an artist I love to learn from others enjoy reading blogs and books .classes are not priced for me now

  18. Sarah Ann Smith Says:

    Comments for this video download drawing are now closed. I’ll pick a winner tomorrow morning and post here and contact the lucky lady! Off to a day of fund-raising for the Cross Country and Track teams!