Quilting the Good Life: Pink Lilies, a new art quilt
What a concept…I’m making an art quilt! Not a very large one, but still! I’ve been wanting to teach a series of workshops called Quilting the Good Life. Part of it will be Quilting the Garden. I figured everyone loves flowers, they aren’t as fiddly as getting a face right, and it is easy enough to change the colors to one that suits the student. And lilies only have six petals, so easy enough to fuse up in a class and get right to quilting–especially compared to something like a dahlia or peony or rose!
On Saturday at International Quilt Festival I’ll be participating in the Saturday Sampler and talking about Thread-Coloring, how I use thread like a colored pencil to tint or shade the fabrics underneath, to bring the fused applique to life. I made this piece to help illustrate that demonstraiton, and hope to begin teaching it as a class.
Let me know if you ‘d be interested in a class like that, either in person or on line….would you rather fuse up the lily, or have me supply (for the cost of printing) the photo printed onto cloth which students would then quilt in class. By quilting a photo (maybe printed by Spoonflower?), we could skip the fusing step (which can take a lot of time) and get straight to learning the thread-coloring bit. Would that interest anyone?
I’m also thinking about doing some online teaching. Should I? I’d love to teach more QUILTING, not just the fusing part but the actual stitching. And maybe my Edge Finishes / Binding class. If you could pick which class(es) of mine you’d take online, what would that be? THANKS! Feedback is good!
October 26th, 2013 at 9:43 pm
Hello! I *know* you’re having fun in Houston, wish I could be there too! I would love to take an online class from you, I’ve always wanted to further my artistic thread painting skills. Best, Ani in NC
October 26th, 2013 at 10:10 pm
I love classes, especially about art and quilting. I could enjoy the classes either way, with or without fusing. Also the edges and bindings class would be wonderful too.
I hope you set it up! It would be fun
October 26th, 2013 at 10:35 pm
Would love to take an online course due to distance from you. The printed fabric is a great idea. I know how to fuse but I am very interested in the thread color technique.
October 27th, 2013 at 1:23 am
I’d be interested in an online class I am in Australia.! I need to sell some excess stuff so I can buy your new book !
October 27th, 2013 at 3:52 am
Would live to take an online class with you. Probably for an online line it would have to be fused up lily because of the logistics of posting out stuff abroad.
October 27th, 2013 at 8:35 am
Hi. I would love to take an on-line class! I prefer the fusing technique. In that manner you can control the color effects.
October 27th, 2013 at 10:37 am
I enjoy taking online classes because it enables you work at your own pace. Also love the fusing technique to make the project your own.
October 29th, 2013 at 6:42 am
Sarah – Another idea if you go the Spoonflower route would be to have the petals printed so they could be cut, fused and then stitched. This would still allow people to have a little more of their personal touches on their quilt. Have fun in Houston!
October 29th, 2013 at 3:11 pm
Online classes? I would take a class from you online in a heart beat! Please do it! I would love learning more about the quilting after you’ve fused it!
October 29th, 2013 at 10:52 pm
Seriously catching up on blogs today. Spoonflower is right here in Durham – not too far from the airport. If I had known, we would have tried to visit when you were here. Would love to take this as an online class. Bev