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The dish on Project Runway

Hello! I remembered at 10:34 that it was on, so quickly flipped to Bravo, found it repeated at 2am, and taped it, but not before watching the ending …then watched the whole thing today.

I thought Nick’s dress the better of the two (his and Santino’s)…given Nicky Hilton’s comments during the review, I couldn’t figure out how Santino won…. guess it’s that Heidi Klum as Executive producer thing?

And I couldn’t figure out why they all loved Chloe’s dress…usually I love her work, but the halter top thingies that served as the bodice were just limp—sagged like sails without a breeze in them. I thought the top of the dress just didn’t fit, and didn’t look very good…..the bottom was good, and fabric selection and color good, but that deflated front was distracting!

Anyway, during the part when the contestants were all flouting their garments and personalities for Nicky, I kept thinking how vapid and irrelevant are these people anyway? Sheesh….they are vain, clueless twits! Of course, so is most of fashion, so I guess I was just being me again LOL… like when I was thinking about the home dec sewing I did for that million dollar *guest house* when I lived on San Juan island–the cost of either the guest house or garage could have paid to build 8 or 10 Habitat for Humanity houses for real working people……

I get on these rants occasionally, if you hadn’t noticed ….toodles, Sarah

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