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Bloghop-Giveaway with Leslie Tucker Jenison

Leslie Tucker Jenison is one seriously talented artist and a seriously BUSY lady!   Just reading her various blogs and posts and website leaves me exhausted, so I’m thrilled she was able to squeeze in some time for little old me!  Visit her personal blog, here, to participate in her segment of the bloghop and giveaway.   I first “met” Leslie on the QuiltArt list–gosh it must be nearly a decade ago!   Way back when, Virginia Spiegel was organizing a cancer research fundraiser, FiberArt for a Cause, where you donated a modest amount and got to pick a fabric postcard donated to help raise funds.  I chose Leslie’s, made of her artcloth, and it still is on display in my studio!

Papyrus #1 by Leslie Tucker Jenison, a fiber art postcard

Papyrus #1 by Leslie Tucker Jenison, a fiber art postcard that lives in my studio and is admired frequently by me

Leslie and her friend Jamie Fingal (who kicked off this bloghop and giveaway) are the “Dinner@8” artists, and blog here.  I’ve been honored to be invited to participate in an exhibit juried by them for the past several years:  Beneath the Surface (2010), The Space Between (2011),  Rituals (2012), and this year’s An Exquisite Moment.  DO go visit this blog and see the incredible art quilts, which are (as always) even better in person.

Leslie’s work ranges from Art Cloth,

Leslie's Art Cloth 9.  To see more of Leslie's surface design work, visit here.

Leslie’s Art Cloth 9. To see more of Leslie’s surface design work, visit here.

to Mixed Media,

Joy by Leslie Tucker Jenison.  To see Leslie's Mixed Media work, visit here.

Joy by Leslie Tucker Jenison. To see Leslie’s Mixed Media work, visit here.

to Art Quilts,

Leslie's award winning Amsterdam Alley.  To see Leslie's art quilts, visit here.

Leslie’s award winning Amsterdam Alley. To see Leslie’s art quilts, visit here.

as well as teaching, and sketching!   In just a couple days she will be teaching at the Art and Soul retreat, and not long after at International Quilt Festival in Houston!  Remember when I said it sounded exhausting?

Visit Leslie at her personal blog to read her review of the DVD and enter her segment of the giveaway by visiting .   You can see more of her work over at the Sketchbook Challenge, including this inspiring recent post.

Thank you so much, Leslie, for taking time from your crazy-busy life to be a part of my bloghop!


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