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NOT! I have successfully kept ONE New Year’s Resolution: Never to make any more New Year’s resolutions! Instead, I vowed to make a resolution when it needed making and begin immediately, and not wait until January 1st.

This past year, I finally made up my mind, for example, that I needed to get serious about the excess weight I’ve been carrying around since I was pregnant 8 years ago with my second son. I am now 48. From all I hear, weight loss after menopause is near impossible, so I figured I’d better get the weight off now while I can. So, I did something about it as soon as my husband was recovered enough from his heart surgery (heart attack on Feb. 2–he’s doing great now!) for me to leave him at home alone, with or without the kids around.

Since June 1, when I joined Curves, I have lost 15 pounds and over 15 inches (they measure in a lot of places so it sounds better than it is…but basically about 3-4 inches each around waist and hips…a full pants size). I have another 13 pounds to reach my goal: What I weighed after son number one but before son number two. If I make it, I may even go for another 6 pounds and get to what I was before son number one!

Yesterday, I fit into size MEDIUM pants!!!! So I bought a pair of yoga / exercise pants on sale. After my weigh in tomorrow, I’ll inaugurate the new pants with an extra long workout. Maybe by June 1, my anniversary at Curves, I’ll be at my goal?????

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