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The Frayed Edges, December 2007

On Monday the 17th, Kate, Kathy and I met at Kate’s house in Bowdoinham to share and celebrate the season. As I mentioned earlier, Hannah’s daughter was down with a fever, so she stayed home, and of course our dear Deborah is living on the dark side of the moon a.k.a. Dallas (sorry to all Texans…but you’re a loooonnnnggggg way away from here! it seems that far!). Deborah’s box was delayed in the mail, so I won’t share the goodies that the three of us exchanged, since not everyone has seen their holiday gifties (I will share AFTER Christmas!). We had a wonderful time in Kate’s old (maybe early 1800s?) house, which is remarkably sunny and light. It has the small rooms typical of New England, which hold the heat well yet let in lots of light.

First we shared. Kathy has almost completed the glorious art bed quilt (yes, it is possible to make art for the bed and Kathy has just proved it!). The quilt is a commission for a friend, who wanted the quilt to celebrate the favorite places she and her husband have been in their long marriage, from the Caribbean to Maine, Mexico, New Zealand (I think it was), Newfoundland and beyond. I am in lust:

Frayed December 5

I shared my Naiads quilt, which alas I can’t share here for a couple of months…sigh… but it was such a thrill to have MADE something that is art!

I loved this view from the dining room:

Frayed December 4

I loved this view even more… lunch with my friends! The only thing that would have made it better would have been Hannah and Deborah. We had Kate’s panini, my potato-turkey kielbasa soup (thank you Janet! I use that recipe a LOT), and Kathy’s treats for dessert (they involve graham crackers, butter, sugar, chocolate, nuts…heavenly).

Frayed December 6

Then we decamped to the living room for prezzies under the tree! On the far side of the room is one of my favorite paintings, which Kate did for an art class in college:

Frayed December 2

On the shelf underneath was this lovely vignette… Kate’s home is filled with these wonderful little suprises and joys… We have so many cats (and cat hair and dust) I don’t do stuff like this, and I should!

Frayed December 1

Then, goodies made by friends… could it be any better?

Frayed December 3

You’ll have to wait to see the contents, though… but Kate and Kathy, gifts have already been pressed into joyful service!

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