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Naiads is Done!

Well…. it’s tough not being able to share my latest art quilt! But it is done (except for the label, of course!). It is 18×45 inches by ab out 1 1/2 inches deep (you’ll have to wait to find out the why and how until March!). But I have been working, and will share this wicket little tease…the last part quilted. It is of the riverbank area, with reeds made of yarns twisted and combined in various ways to make the reeds:

Naiads riverbank

The narrowest of the reeds is one of my favorite embellishing yarns, Lion Suede (from Lion Brands…an inexpensive acrylic yarn that is round…many of the chenilles are fluffy but flat) twisted with a tufted decorative yarn. The thicker reeds are three strands of Lion Suede or a similar variegated Plymouth yarn) wrapped in a ribbon/tape yarn that is like a checkerboard. Finally, the shorter grasses are made from a single yarn—that one ball cost about $12! But if I could find more of it (I tried in vain a few years ago and it is long gone), but no luck, so I hoard it and enjoy the wonderful color and texture.

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