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Ornaments….old and new

For as long as I can remember, some of these ornaments have been on the Christmas tree. It all began, I think, with the little decorations my cousin Anne (who is 9 years older than I am) would tie onto the outside of my presents. Here are some of the very oldest.

The glass snowman is so old I don’t remember getting him…Anne, do you recall t his one? The reindeer and angel, and the ancient, now one-eyed Santa and angels, were decorations from Anne.

Later, maybe in junior high or high school, I began buying ornaments for the family tree. When I was newly out of college, I began buying in pairs…one for my tree, one for my parents. Every year, no matter where in the world we have been, I have bought something for the tree (the hardest year was when we were in Islamic Gabon in Central Africa…but I did find one fairly pathetic little church ornament, so that we have!). For example, in La Paz, Bolivia, I bought this couple…little dolls; they sit on a branch every year.

When mom downsized after Daddy died, she sent me all the ornaments. I have long planned to give one of each to my sons.

This year, I took the boys with me to shop, and they each got to pick one. To my utter surprise, Joshua liked the cool beaded one that I had first picked out even more than the raccoon he first picked (I even asked him to make sure he liked it and wasn’t just being nice to me, but he said are you kidding, it’s way cool. Good taste that kid has! I’ll take all the credit for that ).

Eli is currently on a mouse kick, reading books about various mousies. He bought this one, but has since decided it is a hamster (the tail would support that idea); if you squish him, he “sings” various Christmas carols. May his batteries die soon.

And I bought a beaded one too…the last of its kind, and only $5…how can you resist cloth and beads for that price? Just to the left of it is a Russian church bell tower which I bought on my last trip overseas with the foreign service, to a consular conference in Moscow in February, 1997.

PS–thanks to DebR of Red Shoe Ramblings for telling me she does her captions and arrows in Photoshop. I can do that in Photoshop Elements, too, so I did! Thanks Deb!

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