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Eli’s late October and November:

Eli’s soccer season ended well, with a 3-game round robin up in Waterville on a warm and sunny late October Sunday. Here’s the happy team at the end of the three games…they won two of the matches.

Team photo

Eli lost his good new school shoes, and we had incredible ice cream at John’s in Liberty on the ride home. Before that, Eli (number 17, in the middle) was his usual scrappy, go-for-it self on the field:

Eli on the field

He had a couple of amazing saves as goalie during one game (securing a victory for his team!), and after the game Coach Gross gave all the boys medals for being great team players:

Eli bowling

The team had a fun bowling party to celebrte the end of the season and thank their coaches. Eli helped Kienan’s littlest brother, Cam (in the green) with his first attempt to bowl:

Cam bowls

Now Eli’s back to his regular schedule of karate, until wrestling starts in December, at which point he’ll split his time again. He’s doing really well in school, and reading way above grade level (types his proud mama!).

One Response to “Eli’s late October and November:”

  1. dee Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Sarah. Joshua looks like he’s finally soming down the home stretch. Blessings to you all.