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Catching up…

Oh my goodness! I downloaded pictures yesterday from my camera, and it has been TWO WEEKS! I don’t think I’ve ever gone that long without downloading since I got a digital camera years ago! Well, I guess I’ve been busy. I’ve been working on the manuscript for my book (still not done, of course… and every time I look at it, it seems as though there is more to do, not less….sigh). I’ve been working on a quilt for an invitational show called “It’s Good to be Green.” (If you read Gerrie Congdon’s blog, you’ll have heard her mention it, too….). There was Halloween, teaching quilting, and Joshua’s surgery, then Joshua’s 14th birthday. Egads! No wonder I’m tired. And oh yeah, the Coastal Quilters holiday bazaar!

I can’t share a lot of the “Green” quilt, but can share some so will do that tomorrow or in a few days I think. In the meantime, some updates on the family. As a teen, Joshua is too old for trick or treating, but he did go to town and have fun with shaving cream with friends:


Here’s Joshua getting ready to have all the hardware removed from his leg…

Joshua waiting for surgery to begin

And a last shot of the hardware–we got the pieces (after they were sterilized) back in a bag, and I want to put it together and make Joshua a windchime or paperweight out of it LOL!

J’s leg hardware

And here’s what was on the ceiling of the pre-op room—fun!

Frog on ceilingThen there was the birthday. He LOVES pumpkin pie, so guess what he always wants instead of cake! I started buying number candles for the boys (each has his own set), with 1 for the first (duh) and adding the zero when they hit 10. Now I just grab the appropriate numbers from the candle bag (they borrow their brother’s “1” for age 11) J Birthday 14

Next post: Eli and the pug!

3 Responses to “Catching up…”

  1. Jacquie Scuitto Says:

    Belated Happy Birthday to Joshua! Nice to see him without all the attached hardware too.

    Now get your nse back to the book grindstone! lol

  2. Marie Says:

    How in the heck did he get to be 14 ??!!
    The whole world is before him ! YIPPEE !

  3. Debby Harwell Says:

    Wow! What a smart Mom you are! Keeping up with the number candles for all that time! I’ve gone through who knows how many and always trying to dig through the old butter tub to see what we have. As the kids got older we started doing some math on the pies and cakes to make it all add up. Now that they’re married and on their own it’s back to regular stick candles with just a few (who’s counting now!, the older they get the older I get so we all just stop counting!) But that was smart of you to keep them in sets!

    Also so great to see your son certainly on the mends and I vote for a wind chime so when you hear the music you’ll be reminded of God’s grace and mercy in your lives! Happy Holidays too! Debby