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Surgery update

Joshua breezed through surgery, though was quite upset that he had to stay overnight in the hospital–a routine thing to make sure he comes out of the operating-room-pain-meds OK and is able to tolerate the pain with oral pain meds. As usual, surgery began late, but then the procedure to remove the screws used to hold the rod in his thighbone were removed (along with some bone growth where there shouldn’t have been any) since the screws were bothering him (you can feel them from the outside of his hip!) and he is well-healed on that bone.

Then they removed the external fixator, the metal stuff on the outside of his shin and replaced it with an ace bandage and a boot cast which he will wear for two weeks. At long last, next weekend he and I will go school clothes shopping! The doc said he can take the boot cast off while in the dressing room, just to wear it while walking. They did a strength and flex test on the shinbones while he was in surgery, and all is fine. He’ll be home sometime early Saturday afternoon we hope….at which point I’ll be teaching machine quilting in Rockland at Quilt Divas.

Thanks to all for your good wishes…clearly they made it to the OR in Bangor and whizzed things right along!

3 Responses to “Surgery update”

  1. LoieJ Says:

    Good thing he lives in this day and age!

  2. Lorchen Says:

    Was Josh able to take home the hardware as a souvenir? Mum could make a quilt to hang from the external fixator.

    I’m delighted that Josh is almost back to normal!


  3. teri Says:

    Oh Sarah, I am so happy he is coming along so well. When I think back to that year after my accident I just cringe.

    Give him a BIG hug for me (if he still tolerates that kind of stuff- my 16 year old does occasionally).
