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Joshua update

Tomorrow is Friday, November 2nd, and if all goes well, will be the sixth and hopefully FINAL surgery for Joshua (at least for this year…maybe one more in a year or so). Yes,  the rods and pins and hardware screwed into his shinbone are to come out! So if you chance to see this post on or before Friday, send good thoughts toward Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, where he will be in surgery to remove the pins, a screw from the rod in his femur (thigh bone), and some bone growth that shouldn’t be there near the screw. Hopefully the last two items will help alleviate the pain when he rolls over on that bone-y, lanky hip! (I don’t think I EVER had that problem…..sigh….)

I’ll post an update at some point over the weekend.

5 Responses to “Joshua update”

  1. joyce Says:

    Best wishes for complete success. Oh to have a lanky hip again!

  2. debbi Says:

    Good luck! I am sending my prayers and good wishes your way.

  3. Marie Says:

    YIPPEE !
    What a long hard road this has been. Now you will surely have HAPPY HOLIDAYS

  4. Corky Says:

    Good thoughts coming Joshua’s way (and some for you & Paul too!)

  5. Sandra Wyman Says:

    Thinking of Joshua – and you!