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Workshops & Calendar

Frayed Edges, December 2005

The first thing I saw when I walked into Deborah’s house (after Kate in her spiffy apron) was mugs on the counter…Deborah had made us the most wonderful mugs! Here are the four…Kate’s on the left, then Deborah’s, Kathy’s, and mine. They say: Merry Christmas, Sarah! Artists and Friend. Deborah’s is a tiny bit difference and reads Peace, dream, joy. I LOVE our matching mugs and fillers (mine had tea since Deborah knows I’m not a coffee drinker, unless it’s a latte!).
Next to the mugs were the most AMAZING little gingerbread houses. Not only did Kathy make an incredibly decadent and perfect chocolate cake for dessert, but she made each of us these treats to take home to our various kidlets (Kathy’s are grown, but the rest of us have curtain-climbers of various sizes, ages 3-12)….including those like me who prefer to remain in perpetual childhood of sorts.

And we shared Christmas gifts and friendship. Kate gave each of us a poster and a perpetual calendar featuring artwork from her Kitchen Table Cards line…they are so cool both Kathy and I bought a few of the calendars for giving this season as well! The poster is there under wall art (click on store, then wall art), but the perpetual calendar is new. It’s a perfect size: about 5 x 14 inches… a picture at the top using the images that are also on the cards and posters, then 28-31 lines (as appropriate to the month) to jot down birthdates, anniversaries and whatnot that come on the same day every year. Maybe this time I can get organized and actually LOOK at the calendar in advance and remember to send the card, as well as purchase it, before the date is history!

Kathy, in addition to the gingerbread houses, gave us treat bags with a fabric postcard, gift tags (cleverly made on business card stock for the computer printer—smart Kathy!) and cookies…yummmm!

I made everyone bags from the Shiva’d fabric, and of course not only forgot to take pictures of them before wrapping them at home, but again at Deborah’s. Tomorrow I’ll take a picture of mine so you can get the idea! And gave them some of my simple but pretty glass ornaments—start with clear glass, swirl Delta Ceramcoat (because it is the right amount of “runny” –thinner than other acrylic craft paints) paint inside, rotate every so often, let dry..they are simple and beautiful, and I think they liked them. If you do this with kids, just make sure the two or three colors of paint they pick don’t mix to make a mud color, and you’ll have something beautiful!

Then, of course, we had to eat! Deborah made a cheese-topped bread, Kate brought a yummy salad with a Balsamic vinegar dressing (did I say yummy often enough yet?), I made a potato and turkey kielbasa soup (thank you Janet W. …the recipe has now moved across the continent to Maine and is spreading!), and Kathy made that splendiferous cake. Went to Curves on the way home LOL!
Here’s a beautiful setting at Deborah’s table:

And Deborah lighting the advent candles on the table before we sat down:

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