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Frayed Edges, and good things that happen

Lisa (the manager) at Curves told me about something wonderful, that I have begun to try to do here at home. Every night at dinner, her family says the best thing (or at least something really good) that happened to them that day. I love that it makes folks think about the good things that happened instead of recounting just the travails and woes of the day, and in a subtle way count their blessings. Her husband works hard as a lobsterman (Mainers will know what that means, and for those who haven’t had the fortune to live in or get to know this state, it’s a lot of long hard days of long hard work). Lisa told me she often learns something new about her husband’s day that she might never have known, and I love that. So I hope we can turn it into as much a routine here as she and her family have done.

For me, today, the Frayed Edges happened….I’ll blog about it more tomorrow or the next day, but I am blessed to have met such wonderful women who have become my friends. It was a bounty of friendship and sharing and Christmas sharing, so I think I’ll take one of my little, kinda cheezy cloth Christmas Trees up to my workroom and make a Frayed Edges Christmas zone so I can enjoy the day all over again!

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