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Workshops & Calendar

Dropping in for a moment

just to let you all know I’m still bubbling along busier than ever…. painted the kitchen ceiling, painted the stairs to the basement (where my studio is) both walls and ceiling, made a quilt for a special exhibit, made another small quilt for the chapter challenge, Eli’s wrestling season and meets have begun and it is spring break…can you say WHOOOSH?  Time has evaporated.  The good news is I got both quilts done, and will blog lots soon.

And I’ve begun working out–taking a “Bodyforging” class two days a week that is a combination of yoga moves and pilates, and also riding the exercise bike.  The great news is I am getting stronger and more fit and feel great, but the bad news is the amount of time that eats.  Oh well…worth it!  AND This is Winter Vacation week in Maine, so Eli is home and today we are  driving south to Portland (almost  2 hours) to go shopping…fun stuff!   Anyway, back with lots to post and share SOON!

2 Responses to “Dropping in for a moment”

  1. Debby Harwell Says:

    Could never imagine you not be busy and using every drop of your time! Can’t wait to see the quilts!

  2. JACQUIE Says:

    Figured you were super busy when your blog was silent for a whole week! Just glad you aren’t sick — there is so much of that about.