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Self-Portrait Tuesday Dec. 6th

And now for something totally ridiculous:

Although the hat is kid-sized, as soon as I saw it last December, I knew I had to have it. It was Dec. 22 or 23rd. I asked the store to put it on hold, drove home, and told my husband he *had* to get me this hat for Christmas! He did ….smart hubby!

I’ve threatened the kids that I will wear it out in public. But I also bought some black polartec so that I can open up a couple of seams….it’s pretty tight. It is made of black stretch velvet, lined, and has these cool horn things in a fabric that I’ve never seen in a store. If ANYone has an idea where we can buy this stuff, let me know!!!! It’s sorta crunchy sounding when you squish it-sounds almost like tissue paper. I could have fun using that “fabric” in my quilts……reflections on water, sparkly bits……..

Teehee! Running and ducking for cover!

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