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Begin with art

What a concept… blogging about art on a blog named Art and Quilting in Camden (and now Hope, Maine, too!)….

Last year, I found myself with unaccustomed time on Christmas day and did a collage that soothed my soul and fed my need to create.  This year, I hoped to do the same but was instead happily busy with family and food and joy!  So I decided to make and keep some time on New Year’s Day for art… I think this is something that needs to turn into a tradition!

This year’s collage got a jump-start when I popped into Camden National Bank in mid-December and they had give-away calendars…those little ones that make a triangle stand on your desk and have photos.  The theme for 2012 was “Images of Maine.”  Perfect!   The 2012 collage turned into one about Home in Maine for me….

My January 1, 2012 collage

From time to time I also troll through magazines that are headed to recycling and cut out words and tear out pages with pictures I might like.  So this time I found this catalog (Title 9) where they use REAL (very athletic, on the young side, ages early 20s to 40 ish, trim and fit…sigh) where one of the models was Sarah…  for each one they had asked them to fill in (or their creative catalog person got REALLY creative) questions, including “Most At Home”–her reply, “in Maine.”  And her friends call *her* the Energizer Bunny, too!   Too fun…so of course I tore that out and modified a couple answers.  I used the Jan. 1 date from the calendar, and seven of the photos, plus others from my stash.

The big photo on the left page is of downtown Camden — our local “hub” which is a town of under 6,000 — decked out for Christmas.  I love the torn edges, but also liked the perforated bits so kept some of those.

My collage from Christmas 2010 is in here, and it was interesting to compare… that one has words like Back from the Brink, Coming up for Air, Jo ahead….Jump,  Saga, Family, It’s all a balancing act.  Certainly tells the story of where I was.

2010 year-end collage

I used aquarelle pencils an small squares (1 inch) of color cut from magazines, and it is more colorful–I was trying to brighten up my life and my pages.  This year’s is much more peaceful… the chaos has, I think, finally ended.  It’s all about “home in Maine.”   Anyway, after looking at that one I then thought The “Winter’s End” page that I added to this year’s might be metaphorical as well as literal…..It’s time to begin anew, to create and to revel in life!

It’s nice to have time and folks with whom to share!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

One Response to “Begin with art”

  1. Dorothy Karman Says:

    Oh, you are just so clever! I wish you could hear the tone of my voice when I said that. But I do really mean it when I say that you are clever. And smart! And artistic! etc. etc. Hugs!