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This week in Maine

As usual, crazy busy, but looking for a brief reprieve soon….

On Sunday, there was a Fruit and Fiber day at Hope Orchards, down at Hope Corner (across the street from the General Store).  I decided that I really need to begin exercising…after about 21 months of being a pudge, it is really getting to me, and life has settled down enough that I can re-focus.  So I asked hubby if he would pick me up if I walked the 3 miles to “town” (an intersection in rural Maine qualifies as a town).  The answer was yes, as long as it isn’t when the Patriots play!  So I went before 4!

Then Paul came rushing in one morning and said quick, you gotta see this sunrise (at 6:30 a.m.), it may be picture worthy.  It was!

Hubby on the porch off the living room, but the camera metered on the sky...erk

Then I figured out how to get the camera to take a picture the way I was seeing the sky…WOW!

OH MY! Worth getting up to see this!

All this week I have been on a rip and a tear to clear the last things out of the storage unit that held mom’s stuff.  When she moved here in 2008, I rented the unit for things that wouldn’t fit in her small 2-room place at Quarry Hill (assisted living).  Since she was still kinda with it, I didn’t feel like I could sell it off or get rid of it, because I wanted to have it to give her if she asked for something (painting, memento, etc).  Last summer when she moved to one room in the memory loss unit, had to rent a second (kaChing) unit.  Emptied the second one about a month ago.  This one, before I started liquidating things about a year ago, was full, front to back, floor to near ceiling.  This week it had two large pieces of furniture and 31 BOXES of books I had to sort through.  After selling some to an antique dealer (as reference books), sending some off with a used book store guy, more donated to the Camden Public Library, and yet more to Goodwill, this is how the unit looked at 3 p.m. yesterday:

Hallelujah! The great emptying is DONE!

When Paul’s dad died, there was an “estate sale lady” that basically took care of selling everything off from the house, took a percentage, donated the rest, and we cleaned out the house.  Nothing like that here so it was dribs and drabs to liquidate things.  I have promised my kids I will do my best not to depart this earth and leave them with so much STUFF!

This morning, the drippies have arrived:

Even in heavy mist (the weather station said it was raining tho it was really just wet air)! it is beautiful here...this was about 7:10 a.m.

And this glorious view off the other side of the kitchen porch/entry:

The back 40 (well, OK, maybe the back 4 acres), and I really need to clean up the flowerbeds for winter!

AND, drum roll, this week we modified the membership at the Y to include me, and today I began!  I will NOT regain that weight!  I will NOT be a pudge!  I WILL get healthy!  Now…off to play as a reward to myself…taking Jane LaFazio’s mixed media journal class at and can’t wait to get started on this week’s lesson!


2 Responses to “This week in Maine”

  1. Donna Keller Says:

    That is one gorgeous sunset Sarah! I love those colors!

    Congrats on getting the storage unit cleaned out. It always feels good to get those big jobs behind us, doesn’t it?

    When you mentioned your husband picking you up if the Patriots aren’t playing, I must say I completely understand where he is coming from. I LOVE football! On Sundays or any time the NFL is on, I want to be in front of the TV all day. I live in Texas and I’m a huge Cowboys fan! Guess who they play this week? Yes, it’s the Patriots! It ought to be a very interesting game! Of course, I just hope the Cowboys can win just as I’m sure your hubby is thinking the same thing about the Patriots. Tee-hee!

  2. Dorothy Karman Says:

    Congratulations on the empty storage unit!