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The State of my Studio

Well, if the President as head of the executive branch can give a State of the Union address, and since as quilters we are ALWAYS a bit curious (OK, almost voyeuristic) about other quilters’ studios, I thought I’d let you see what I’ve been up to this past week.

I have done a TON of paperwork on the book, writing to get permissions to use quotes, and so on, so seriously needed some creative time. Plus, Jan and Dwight P. (Jan is a friend and quilter, Dwight is her hubby and photographer) and I are having a small show at Zoot, the cool coffee house in town. That means I figured I needed to make some pieces for there that are not expensive (as in might actually sell and generate some much-needed income). When I finish one thing I tend to need to have a tidy attack and clear the surfaces so I can function. Then stuff piles up as I work. I guess I’ve been working. Here is the work table:

Main worktable

Here is the overflow (Gramma’s toaster table, immortalized in my Flying Toast quilt):

Gramma’s table

Here is the sewing machine cabinet:

Sewing table

And the doorknob:


Yes, busy. I have one more 6×6 piece to fuse up and quilt, then I need to paint all the canvases, mount all the pieces, add hanging sleeves to the ones that will not be mounted, add hanging apparatus, label them, take photos, re-size the photos for use on the website, price them (duh!), and be ready to sell them! I’ll blog them here and on my website galleries (think I’ll make a “small works” gallery for most of the ones mounted on canvas which I can then delete once the pieces have mostly sold). Even though they will be for sale at the coffee house, I’m definitely open to purchases that require shipping [grin!].

3 Responses to “The State of my Studio”

  1. kathy Says:

    what a creative mess…I especially love the doorknob. I want to see more of the Zoots hangings…guess I’ll have to come for coffee soon. When is the start date?

  2. Cynthia Says:

    I’m from the Pickles list and visited your website. GIRL!!! you do some gorgeous drop dead work!!!

    My sewing space/house looks just like yours, so why can’t I make those beautiful quilts too???

    Good luck with the show, you will be GREAT!


  3. Jacquie Scuitto Says:

    I’m curious about the white blocks that the new small pieces are on in the photo of the sewing machine cabinet. Are these backings for the quilts or just a base to block them on?

    Inquiring minds can’t help wondering…

    Good going with the show — and lots of sales!!