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Unexpected delights: May 2011

A few weeks ago a bit of art appeared on the side of the road not long after the last (FINALLY!) snow of April… one of those moments of whimsy and suprise that pop up hither and yon.  I decided that along with Moments of Beauty, I need to begin a series of posts about unexpected delights, whatever those might be.  This one is art, and is currently alongside Route 105 which runs (at least hearabouts…it goes beyond, too) from Hope to Camden.

At first I didn't really get to see the art, as it blends in to the side of the barn...

But I could tell it was worth slowing down, pulling over, and having the camera!

I just love this...if I ever win the lottery, maybe I'll be able to afford to buy art, not just admire it

and the artist’s sign over the garage door:

Art by Ron Russell

Have I said recently how much I love living in Maine?

4 Responses to “Unexpected delights: May 2011”

  1. kathy Says:

    I’ve always been curious about this place. A couple of years ago, I used to see a very old man sitting on a very old stool. It appeared he was always whittlin’ on piece of wood. Mostly he was alone, but sometimes he’d have company, just sitting with him, shooting the breeze, I imagine. I haven’t seen him for a long while and figured he must have died. I always thought he was the artist. I’m glad you stopped to admire, I should too.

  2. Sally Says:

    I’d want to bring it home with me also! I’m glad you remembered your camera.

  3. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    He needs to broaden his pallette! He is rather monochromatic! Do you suppose he is color blind?

  4. Louise in SW Saskatchewan Says:

    This reminds me of Nova Scotia where you can see hand lettered signs along the roads letting you know that there is art or quilts for sale.

    I remember seeing Maude Lewis’ very colourful house from a bus when I was in military Basic Training near Digby NS. That house is now in the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (it is very tiny).

    Guess there are a number of similarities between Maine and Nova Scotia in this respect!