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Giving thanks for food and quilts

OK…I promised quilted stuff, so here you are! First, I finally got Eli to decide how he wanted me to quilt the border of his turtle quilt, which we began this summer after our first kayak paddle on Lake Megunticook. Eli saw lots of turtles with his dad, so drew the picture, picked the fabrics, I fused the fusible web on the fabric, he cut out the pieces and placed them, I fused them, and did the quilting–with his selections of thread and quilting lines (with a few suggestions from me, but he’s a pretty particular client!). He wanted to do the free-motion, but I declined, though I may let him sit on my lap and do it with me the next time around….

Then, I made placemats…LOTS of placemats. For some odd reason, I began with the Christmas ones. This fabric has been in my stash for YEARS, and since I’m on a stash reduction plan, I decided it was time to make them. Then I ran out of the red thread I’m using to stitch snowflakes around the border, so they got put on hold until the next spool arrives from Superior Threads. So, I started in on what I thought were going to be “autumn” placemats, but I needed something that would work with the 1 1/2 yards I had of the print. Road trip! Off to Maine-ly Sewing in Nobleboro on Monday morning, with Eli to keep me company. I found a great fabric, but in the end, the placemats ended up looking more like Christmas than Thanksgiving. Oh well…I like them anyway!

The six placemats are on the table. Eli, at his end of the table, is waiting for the rest of us to get seated.

And here’s Joshua clowning for the camera at the other end of the table, with hubby Paul in the background carving turkey. Oh…and that war zone you see to the left of Joshua is an antique baker’s cupboard (purchased in the DINK days…dual income no kids), which now serves as my desk. The drawer on the left is a flour bin, and curves inward, so I can sit there at my computer which is what I’m doing right now.

Of course, while we were at the fabric store buying stuff for the placemats, Eli asked if he could get some mouse-y fabric for a pillowcase…he really liked Christine Fries-Uriel’s piece with two adorable mice that is on the November page of the 2005 Quilting Arts Calendar –it’s the one in the middle of the bottom row…the link is PDF, by the way, so may take a while to download. So, we bought 22 inches of musical mousies fabric, a third of a yard of red batik, and presto new pillow. He told me the next morning that he slept better because of his new pillowcase 8*))))). Yes, he IS the cutest thing on feet! (and I’m not prejudiced at all! LOL)

‘Nuf for now. I blew the diet totally today and made choc. chip cookies and ate the dough, so back to the straight and narrow for me! I was good on Thanksgiving though, so I’ll skip sweet breakfast tomorrow…maybe make the boys French Toast which I don’t much care for, and have oatmeal, which I actually really like—especially the old, old fashioned McCann’s Irish Oats, the ones that come in the tin and take 45 minutes to cook–add a sliced banana…yummm! Of course, brown sugar is heavenly, but right now we’re sticking to fruit or Equal!

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