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self-doubt and reassurance

You know how some days you just look at work that you did, that you really loved when you completed it, and think—what was I thinking, That’s not much at all?!!? Well, today was one of those days. The placemats I’m making look good. The art….. yep, that ol’ devil self-doubt is back.

Good thing I’m an optimist at heart. My participant’s copy of the I Remember Mama book arrived yesterday. That may be part of it…I looked at the other quilts, and then at Bedtime, and thought–the faces aren’t so good, and I really shouldn’t have used that commercial fabric for my sweatshirt–it’s awful. Would have been better to paint or dye something (or both). But then, I remind myself that I got IN to that exhibit, and it really can’t be so bad if it got in. It’s a privelege to be in the company of the other quilts in that show!

And then, really really really wonderful, is the opening to the 2003 part of the exhibit…the first year. The “kimono” quilt I made for my mom is the first one!!! Wow….
What’s special is that I made this quilt years before I ever dreamed of actually entering let alone getting juried into a national level show, and here it got into the exhibit, and is now the first time I’ve ever been published in a real, honest-to-gosh book….

Now, to do that well again! Guess I’d better stop wallowing and start sketching out ideas ’til I get to a good one, eh?

And…brag on behalf of my friend Deb B.—her guardian angel got start-of-article billing in the new Quilting Arts magazine! I looks great and I’m SO THRILLED for her!

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