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Afternoon Mug 4

This one’s for DebR…. Here’s the entire shot of the mug you liked. Believe it or not it is from (gasp, shudder) the gift shop at Yellowstone near Old Faithful! The circle on the front says Yellowstone on the top, National Park on the bottom, and has a moose or elk (indistinct horn structure…you pick) in the middle. I really like the thumb “pad” on the handle. It’s also very large, so usually I don’t fill it all the way. If I do, the tea is tepid (at best) by the time I reach the end of the mug!

Some mugs, by the way, are definitely “morning” mugs. Others, like the Sleepytime mug (more on that one in the next entry), are definitely “evening” mugs. And some are afternoon/evening. This mug is an afternoon/evening mug. Please don’t ask me WHY these mugs go with a certain time of day, they just DO. Like Earl Gray tea is truly an afternoon tea.

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