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Pirates in Thomaston

What fun…I got to meet Elizabeth, a fellow pirate from aboard a slightly creaky but fun cyber-ship. Elizabeth moved to Maine last year, not long after we moved here, and lives about an hour or so South of me (I’m in Camden, for those who are familiar with mid-coast Maine). We decided to meet for lunch, at Elizabeth’s suggestion at the Thomaston Cafe in (you guessed it) Thomaston….

What FUN…we ate and gabbed and shared projects and were there nearly two hours. Interestingly we were both intrigued by the same thing…Wild Mushroom Hash with poached egg (I like my very well done, she likes hers runny) with home fries. It was quite tasty, a bit tart and tangy. I think I need to go back to this cafe!

Clearly, this lunch thing and getting together needs to happen again. So it’s good news, next month I’m driving down her way and we’re going to a bead store I haven’t visited yet…wooohooo! After seeing her quilts, I now know I need more BIG beads….even “pony” size (size 6 I think) beads are on the small size compared to her beads…and I love the way they work on her pieces. She’s really an embellisher and embroiderer where I am much more a machine quilter….in love with the thread and line. But there’s room to grow…and I think the next thing I need to grow is more beads!

I thought we’d share our lunch, but since the thought of taking my own photo makes me shudder, and since I wouldn’t want to ask someone else to flash their face on my blog on the first lunch (ahem!), I thought this would be a fun phoot. Elizabeth’s long blonde hair was held in place with these great hair ornaments with silver tips with Celtic interlace designs on the top the comb… So for all you pirates out there, here we be…I’m behind the camera, eco is in front of it!

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