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A moment of beauty–March 12, 2011

Some days, you are filled with life and verve and sunshine.  Other days, the speed with which time disappears can threaten to overwhelm you.  Then I think of people like Melanie Testa (Every-single-day blog here) who is confronting cancer with grace and courage and beauty and strength that inspires so many of us.  We all have small and not-so-small moments of pain or sadness, so I’m thinking every now and then, I shall have to share a photograph or moment of beauty.

Slow down.

Appreciate those in your life and give thanks that they ARE alive and share themselves with you.

And that includes things with four or more feet that love you, too.

And take time to look around you and give thanks.

As I drove to Eli’s wrestling meet yesterday, the fog that had lifted here in Hope was hunkered down along the coast from Belfast north, including crossing the Penobscot Narrows Bridge at Fort Knox-Verona Island and over to Bucksport.  This bridge is stunningly beautiful no matter what, but yesterday it was nearly unearthly…

The Narrows Bridge over the Penobscot, looking up at the suspension cables as I drove over. Photo (c) 2011 Sarah Ann Smith. Photo is clickable to view larger

I had no idea what the photo was going to be.  I saw the wires and reached into my purse one handed, pushed the “on” button and held the camera up to the window to push the shutter.  I just clicked without opening to view screen…. some days beauty comes to find you.

3 Responses to “A moment of beauty–March 12, 2011”

  1. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    The essence of mystery and anything-can-happen …

  2. Sally Says:

    Awesome photo! Probably would never have caught its beauty if you had made a concerted effort. Seems everything was in order for this one–love it. You must do something with it…

  3. Sally Field Says:

    One of my favorite places! We watched the progression of the building of the bridge each spring as we took our boat down river and in the fall when we went back up river–always hoping a workman didn’t drop some heavy piece of equipment as we powered beneath. We were lucky enough to be able to go to the top of the observation tower the first weekend it was open. Just love that bridge!!