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The big snow

Before I got mired in the packing, I took some pictures of the big snow…they were lovely enough I thought I should still share even though it was a week or more ago…time has run into a big blur this month!

Here’s the view of the front porch–the snow piles up in the corner next to Joshua’s window, and it has never been this deep–the window was half covered!

I don't think we've ever had this much snow on the roof--we've had deeper snows, but the winds have blown it off the roof.

Then there are morning walkies:

The pugWonderfulness LOVES rabbiting through the snow!

I was so glad we got a deep snow, as I had never taken a photo of one of my favorite views in this house..out the window at the third floor landing, looking out over the garage roof (which has my studio on the 2nd floor).  It is a quick and easy way to see how much snow we got…in this case, a lot!

Looking out the 3rd floor window...see that sliver of dark, that's the roof over my studio with about 12+ inches of snow!

And here’s the view to the other side:

There are three small gables facing the street and the sunrise

Paul had to scrape up extra bits so he could back out of the garage. The plow pile at the end of the drive is as high as the garage doors!

I love the coneheads on the propane tank (left) and doghouse (right)...and the mound in the back is that snowplow mountain! Eli and a friend sledded off of it down into the back yard

The new owners of our house (we were renting back for a few weeks) parked their car here while they returned to pack up their old house. Their car has a thick blanket!

I love Maine so much—our new house has great views, and I can’t wait to sit, snug and warm, in the living room and watch the storms blow in and the snow swirl around!

5 Responses to “The big snow”

  1. Judy Warner Says:

    Hope the move went well and you had good weather!

  2. Sally Says:

    I love the photos of your house after one of the recent snowstorms. It looks so gorgeous and peaceful. Wishing you the best of luck in your new home. I hope you’re surviving the unpacking!

  3. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Snow, snow and more snow — and it’s only mid-February! Looks lovely though …

  4. Marjolijn Says:

    What a lot of snow and what a beautiful house! But I suppose this is the “old” house. I can’t wait to see the new home.
    I wish you good luck.

  5. Jan in Scotland Says:

    Hope all went smoothly with the move Sarah after all the earlier hassle. Enjoy your new home.