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(Late) Morning Mug 3

My mug from National Theatre in London, 1978.

Not late getting it up….late switch on mugs. Was using one of the mugs previously shared, when hubby put it in the dishwasher, so nabbed this one. Got this one in Spring 1978 when I spent a semester at Goldsmiths’ College (and at the time had NO idea that it was a treasure trove of experience on textiles…sigh…). I barely attended classes and did the work. Instead I learned by going to museums, theatres, and travelling every possible moment. I practically lived at the National Theatre…would go up around 4 pm after classes with my books and queue up for “rush” tickets….they’d sell remaining seats for the equivalent of about $2 for the equivalent of Broadway shows. I’d buy the cheapest sandwich and soda at the bar for dinner, and then enjoy the show. I can’t believe I still have it and neither the cats nor I have managed to break it…..

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