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Moving, Day 1

The moving van arrived this morning, and we were pretty much ready!   This is what our back entry hall looked like at 8 a.m. this morning:

As you come in the back door...a wall of boxes

And then you turn left:

Looking into the kitchen, aka chaos zone

That’s dear hubby’s noggin on the left–he’s cleaning the woodstove doors to lay a nice fire for the new owners.  Good hubby!

The hallway:

The upstairs hall

Then they moved boxes into the living room to shuttle them out to the truck:

The used the living room as a staging zone...fortunately it is cleared out tonight as there is nowhere else in the house to sit!

Here’s what my studio looked like in the morning:

My studio, after the packing, before the moving

By the 4 pm, it looked like this:

My studio, by the end of the day....seems so much larger without all my STUFF!

And the end of the day:

The truck toward the end of day 1

It is SUCH a relief to be at this stage….by Friday we will be asleep in Hope, Maine!  And we’re eating carry-out this week <grin>!

10 Responses to “Moving, Day 1”

  1. Dorothy Karman Says:

    Sarah. Moving in such fun! Five years ago when we downsized and moved into this house I vowed never to do it again. We only moved about five minutes away to a house without any stairs and inside access to the garage. Wonderful! It was tiring enough standing around while the movers packed everything but when we were actually in our new house surrounded by boxes that was worse. You have to open every single box, carefully unwrap each object and then place the wrapping paper in an empty box. As each box was emptied we unfolded it and stored it flat in the garage to be collected by the removalists at a later time. I found that I was able to get rid of lots of things that I hadn’t used for some time during this unwrapping stage. When you’re tired you get more ruthless! So, dear Sarah, I wish you lots of fun during your unpacking stage, and may you find the strength to dispose of lots of things you really don’t need. Have fun! Regards, Dorothy.

  2. Sally Says:

    Well, it looks as if things are moving forward. Enjoy your few days of not having to cook any meals! Looking forward to seeing you new digs. So glad things seem to have worked out for you. And I’ll be anxious to see how things are coming along.

  3. Gari Says:

    I know this has seemed like a long road for you but it seems like such a short time since you found the new house and now you are moving. I am so very happy for you and really looking forward to the new pictures.

  4. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Glad things are going well so far. May this continue! Are the boys at all excited by the move?
    And what take out choices will you enjoy this week?

  5. Judi Says:

    Oh Sarah moving is one of the hardest things you are so lucky to be able to hire someone to move you. Have fun unpacking and setting up your new studio space.

  6. Jean from 7700 yahoo group Says:

    It’s a long road from packing to unpacking, but the rewards are so worth it. Take time to enjoy the journey and here’s to much happiness in your new home!!!!!

  7. Debby H. Says:

    So excited for you! Keep us posted and hope to see lots of pictures once you’re all settled in and happily sleeping under your new roof!

  8. Donna Keller Says:

    It looks like your move is progressing well! It’s always exciting to move into a new place, especially once most of the unpacking is done! I wish you and your family many joyous and memorable times in your new home! D~~~~

  9. Lisa Says:

    I am so thrilled for you. Can’t wait for your new adventures in your new home and I really hope I get to see in it person one day.

  10. Sally Field Says:

    Sarah–have been trying to send you an e-mail but my computer keeps telling me it is undeliverable. Do you have the same e-address?