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Packing in the cold

The lack of posts is due to mostly one thing:  packing.  Can you say UGH?   I HATE moving. It also has been wicked cold.  This was the weather station report this morning–exactly ZERO (that’s Fahrenheit for my non-US readers…about  Celcius minus 18):

6 in the morning, zero degrees outside, 63 inside, no wind chill....

That is a vast warmup from this time yesterday:

Jan. 24, 2011: the lowest temps since we moved to Maine. It was MINUS 11 Fahrenheit (-24 Celcius); the wind had almost stopped when I took this photo. At one point wind chill was -18 F.

I also have too much stuff.   I had cleared out some stuff, but as I pack my studio I clearly need to clear out more.  When I unpack, I do believe that I will finally cull and sell some of my quilting books! As you can (maybe?) see from the chaos below, a fair bit of packing has happened—five low shelf units, all the patterns that I sell (half the filing cabinet), the knick-knacks inside the Hoosier (and do I really need all of *those* dustcatchers?).

See all those awful cardboard boxes? At least the shelves behind are packed up!

Ugh again.  Here’s another view toward a different corner.  Ugh.  The blue on the sewing tables is my recent project, which I can’t show you.  Bummers.  It is for a juried exhibit with a mid-March deadline.  I knew I had to finish it early or it would never happen.  I finished sewing the facings on Sunday mid-afternoon, then started in on packing boxes.  I still need to sew my name to the front and make a label, but since the quilt won’t ship until late May/June (if it gets in, that is), I’m gonna let that slide for now.

Another shot of the rampant chaos in my studio. I hate being in anyplace this disordered. No more moves!!!!

So for today?  More packing!  UGH!!!

10 Responses to “Packing in the cold”

  1. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    Absolutely agree. Packing is awful, unpacking is just as bad!

  2. Sally Says:

    In spite of all the work involved in moving, I’m happy to see that the move seems to be going forward. BTW, one of the pipes on the outside wall of our house froze night before last. A little hair dryer warming did the trick before it burst, thankfully. But a bet many a plumber is overwhelmed with frozen/burst pipes all over the East.

  3. Marjolijn Says:

    I hate to move as well, but sometimes it helps to organize yuor stuff. I moved twice in 1½ year. The first from a large to a small house, that was bad!I sold a lot of my things, but now I have a lot of space and what am I doing? Collecting things! Now I am waiting for the kids to move out!
    I wish you a lot of luck and happiness in your new home. I hope to see it soon (everyting unpacked as well!).
    greetings from not so cold The Netherlands.

  4. Kathy Schmidt Says:

    Packing, moving, organizing, re-organizing—the studio alone is enough to kill a sane person! And you have all the rest of the house, too, but you are going to a good place…try to think of the boys as big lumps of muscles, just waiting to move things for you. They are not your sons right now, just your loyal servants…crack that whip and save your back!!! Can’t wait to see the new place.

  5. Gerrie Says:

    Feeling for you Sarah – having done this recently. Now my studio is bigger and holds more stuff – I am not going any place any time soon.

  6. Donna Keller Says:

    I’m with you Sarah on the moving. What a joy it will be when you can sit back and enjoy your new place though! I hope you get a little warmer weather for moving day! D~~~~

  7. Debby H. Says:

    I haven’t moved houses in over 28 years so now it’s at a point of being a huge undertaking! I want to move, but my husband doesn’t so we stay put for now. I wish I was there to help you, but with those temperatures you won’t find me up north for now. My bones couldn’t take it! Two things I don’t want to do, go to Florida in the months of June, July or August and I don’t want to go north during the months of December, January, and February and maybe March! Sorry! But will certainly be praying that the move goes a smoothly as possible for you all! Please don’t take the time to answer this post personally, save the energy and just give us lots and lots of pictures when you get all moved into your new place!

  8. Patty Ashworth Says:

    We had moved 5 times in 6 years and finally ended up in this wonderful house. I told my hubby that the next time, we will burn it down and just take the check. (Just kidding…) but I hated putting things into the boxes and unpacking. Two years in a row we moved the week before Christmas! That was worse. We have been here just over 15 years. Now we are going through the remodeling phase… not good either. You pack things up and shove them from one end of the house to the other. Almost done. Got the 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms to do and then I’m never having things moved again!

  9. Judy Warner Says:

    So, I guess all that moving around to pack the boxes helps keep you warm. 🙂 Better now than in the summer.

  10. Sally Says:

    I agree! Moving is the pits. There are 2 upsides: you clear out things you not only wouldn’t want to pay someone else to move but you wouldn’t even want to have to pack, carry and unpack yourself AND you will love your new spaces once you get it all done. Certainly tough to do it all in the cold and snow, but that may be easier than moving on the hottest days of summer. Best of luck….