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Hope house and snow

Thanks so much to the many who wrote and who surfed in to read the tale of nutsoidness about our move!  The great news, of course, is that we will be moving to a house we LOVE, with good karma, in a town called Hope.  Several of you asked for pictures.  I feel a tad awkward about sharing pictures of the house and its insides now (will when it is ours!), but I can share some of the outside and view.  Yesterday a big storm blew (and boy did it BLOW) through.  This was our current front yard as we left the house to trek out to  Hope, about 10 minutes west of where we are now:

At home in Camden-still snowing furiously on Weds. afternoon

On Tuesday we had gone out to the Hope house for the septic inspection.  It was a glorious winter’s day in Maine, so I took these photos looking toward Freedom and Liberty (ya gotta love a state with town names like these!) and uphill of the house, which is surrounded by 11 acres!

Looking towards Libery and Freedom, Maine from the top of the driveway

and looking uphill from the top of the drive:

Looking uphill from the driveway into the winter sun. The path in the snow leads to the porch off the can see the tip of the roof on the right edge of the photo.

and another of the “main” views:

My shadow is the one to the left; I think our realtor Mary and hubby Paul are on the right. What BLUE skies!

Yesterday during the storm, our house inspector, Peter  T., took this photo which he shared with me.  It is of the front of the house, and as you can tell it was windy with snow going sideways! The lights on the right are in the living room.  The dining and kitchen are to the left and there is another covered porch off the kitchen on the driveway side of the house.

The Hope house in this week's storm

Just imagine....this will be OUR view soon! Taken from inside the living room.

And dusk was falling as we made our way home to Camden at about 4:20 p.m.  Took this from a moving, bouncing car…good camera!

Dusk (at 4:20 pm...the days are getting longer!) and the road to Camden

12 Responses to “Hope house and snow”

  1. Sally.Westcott Says:

    Oh wow Sarah! Congrtulations on beating the Bastard!

    I wish you all the best in your new home! It is so good when you find the right spot, with all the right things in place!

    We moved into our piece of heaven 2 months ago (I now have a 3 room studio! – Heaven)

    Hugz and congratulaions

  2. Jean from 7700 yahoo group Says:

    Beautiful! My favorite is the dusky snow-covered road photo. That’s how I imagine inland Maine.

  3. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Looking good! Nice open space after all the trees at the other house. Now to placate the weather gods for your move. No blizzard on moving day please!

  4. Sally Says:

    Hi. Isn’t it fun researching the area in which you live! I’ve been doing research on our house, which was originally a log cabin built in 1854. Then it was remodeled and the “new” home was actually built over the logs. I know the logs are still in the main part of the house because we’re renovating the bathroom and when we took out all the interior walls, there they were big as life. And I mean BIG. 8″ to 10″ thick. That part of the house is so warm. Anyway, I’ve been working for more than a year researching its history trying to find the original patent from Wm. Penn. Quite a task because nobody kept good records then and properties were described as “running South from the oak tree to blah, blah, blah on the north”, etc. Sorry to be so wordy. Looking forward to seeing your new home and what you find out.

  5. Ann E. Ruthsdottir Says:

    Gorgeous! It looks like it is very warm, inviting and protective. ENJOY!

  6. sueeeus Says:

    Wow, so beautiful! That would cost eleventy gazillion dollars in Seattle. I’m SO jelly!!

    Not really jelly. I’m very pleased for you. 🙂

  7. Carole Says:

    Sarah.. I am glad your nightmare is over and this is so beautiful!! Enjoy.. for a long time.

  8. Ruth Powers Says:

    What a saga! I just love stories with happy endings – can’t wait to see the progress as you go. Congratulations on having HOPE!

  9. Mary Ann Littlejohn Says:

    I think it’s LOVE.

  10. Gari Says:

    that last picture was a reminder of why I want to live in Maine, in the summer. 😉

  11. Debby H. Says:

    I am sure you are going to be so relieved when you lay your heads down to rest in your new house! It looks fantastic and frankly seems more like you than the Rockport mess. I absolutely love that wide porch! It will be wonderful to see you sitting out there and enjoying your view when it is warmer and this is all far behind you!

  12. Kristin MC F Says:

    This place in “hope” is the dream you needed and wanted for your family…glorious views…what a setting for inspiration and creativity. Glad the rough spots are history…they do make the smooth times feel ever so much more lovely. Comparison surely does make the sweet times sweeter. May moving days be sunny and stress free.

    One day I’ll get out there…retirement soon…travel on the horizon.
