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Word for 2011

Last year (I had to search my blog to find it), my word for the year was


Even though I had actually attempted to do that over the course of the year, the fact that I didn’t remember the word (sigh) will tell you that I have some work to do on that score!

The word for 2011 is


The year, as I mentioned yesterday, is starting on quite a stressful note thanks (well, NO thanks) to the owner of the house on which we put an offer.  Our house has sold, so we MUST move  (we have a short rentback from the new owners and think we can extend that a bit), but we don’t know if the current owner will comply with the requirement to be out of the house for *us* to occupy it when we go to closing due to a lot of things that have gone on since we got the contract to sell our house.  So we will know next week when closing happens if he will be out, and if it will be this month……

In the meantime, I am trying to breathe.  Trying not to feel like a quivering mass of stress.  Trying to pack up some things, clear out junk (to Goodwill when suitable, to the dump when not!), keep up with paperwork, not snap at the hubster and children.  All will be well in the long run, but at the moment it is pretty nerve-wracking.  Again, I’ll ask for you all to send vibes for things to work out the way we would most like!

Happy New Year to one and all!

4 Responses to “Word for 2011”

  1. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Here’s hoping the obstructionist backs down by the closing date. Something to twirl the prayer wheel for!

  2. Dorothy Karman Says:

    “Things to work out vibes” coming from Australia. Deep breathing – that’s right – now do it again, and again, and again. You shouldn’t have any problems with the deep breathing as you have to breath any way!

  3. Gari Says:

    Moving is stressful in the best of cases but not knowing if your new home will be yours is really hard. When we moved 4.5 years ago, we didn’t know if we could move into our new home until the day our things were being hauled out of FL to AL. And, the workmen were still doing finish work: we had to move our living room into the dining room because they still hadn’t laid the floor. But eventually everything was done and we were in: breathe, one deep breath at a time.

  4. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    Sending tons of positive vibes! Are you hiring a mover? Do you have those PODS that you can rent for assistance and temporary storage?