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Morning Mug 1

Yesterday Deb R mentioned she liked my barely visible mug, so I thought I might blog about my mugs (reaching????). Anyway, some people collect plates, others collect spoons or thimbles. When I go somewhere, I buy a mug. I still miss our “doorway” in our old house in Arlington, Virginia (moved out of there in ’97). The previous owners had enclosed and weatherproofed the back porch into a family room and moved the door in the process. The old doorway remained, and they had put maybe 5 shallow shelves on it, which they used for canned goods. I doubled the number of shelves, and since it was out of the way, used it to display our mugs. I LOVED that, and am still wishing for a house where I can do something like that again…cut out some drywall and finish the cavity between the studs and add shelves.

Today’s mug is one I bought in Friday Harbor, Wash., where we used to live. I don’t usually go for porcelain or fancy “artwork,” preferring hand-thrown mugs from artists and crafters. But for some reason I loved the lush, ripe fruits on this one. Here is this morning’s first cuppa:

The cactus on the windowsill is in a Peter Rabbit planter….the year Joshua was born (’93) was an anniversary year for Peter R., so lots of cool stuff. I wanted the planter so much I ordered the flowers from FTD just to get it! And I still love it. The floral tin is nearly ancient…bought it in London when on a semester abroad in 1978. Still holds tea!

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