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The Frayed Edges, late May 2007

This past Frayed Edges meeting was an extended one for the best of reasons: Deborah came to visit us from what I think of as her exile in Dallas (sorry to all Texans!)… woooohoooo! She flew up on Saturday, called me from the airport in Boston as she was about to head out with the rental car for Kate’s house, and I was about to leave Camden (and I arrived only half an hour before she did LOL!).

Kate, alas, was not there. Kate, bless her sweet soul, cleaned house for us and invited us to stay in her empty-of-her-family (but not their homey presence) house!!!! That qualifies as sainthood points! So Kathy, Deborah and I had a sleepover at Kate’s house, minus Kate! It was WONDERFUL (except for missing Kate and Hannah, who was home with her four daughters and hubby). If you’ve read Kath‘s and Deborah‘s blogs, you’ll already have seen our food pictures, but here are more:

…. we talked as well as ate, but sure didn’t sew or create much. We DID however kibbitz on each other’s pieces, talked about what we might do if, etc.

On Sunday, after breakfast:
I had to head to Portland for a long-planned family outing, Deborah had plans with Joanne S., and then reconvened at Kate’s house on Sunday evening with Kate and Hannah (and they finished the last of the Molten (chocolate) Lava Cakes (a specialty from the local chain, and worth a trip from Texas to Maine!), and improved on their greatness by adding Starbuck’s coffee ice cream…YUMMM. A good idea gets better!

On Monday, we had our “regular” Frayed Edges meeting at Kathy’s house and was it a blast. It was actually the first time the five of us have all been together, so we got pics:

I think we look like five happy, well-fed, artsy women!

We shared:

And shared:

And shared:

We ate, at Kath’s beautiful table:

Don’t you love these little vases for the lilies of the valley, and the colors of the glasses?

Deborah brought us gifties…pincushions, with personalized shrinky-dinked pins!!!!!! Mine is the aqua! Yeah and THANK YOU! (and it is already in use at my machine!)

We talked about and made decisions for our August show at the Camden Public Library (opens on Aug. 2nd, through the 29th, Artists’ Reception on Saturday the 11th from 1-4).

After a nice looonnngggg day, which was gloriously sunny and perfect outside (and hooray! no blackflies or mosquitoes yet!), we hugged good-bye to Deborah, who headed south for one more night at Kate’s house before heading for Logan / Boston on Tuesday. And of course, I had to snap pics of Kath’s flowers and garden–the photo at the top and this one:
When I got home from that 52 hour sojourn, I felt as refreshed as if I’d been on a perfect 2 week vacation, and I KNOW it is thanks to my Frayed Edges pals.

2 Responses to “The Frayed Edges, late May 2007”

  1. Spider Says:

    Oops, you missed a w in Kath’s blog address.

  2. Sioux Says:

    What a wonderful time you had! What a great group of talented ladies!