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50,000 plus thanks you’s

Well, folks, we hit a major milestone today: I got my 50,000th visit! Some of you have logged in many visits, others are new. Some seek me out on purpose, others stumble across the site via a Google query or a random link on the ArtQuilters blog ring or link from another blog. To one and all: THANK YOU!

I have never journaled much at all…. so I find it somewhat mystifying and wonderful that I have kept up these “letters to the ether” and even more amazing and mystifying that folks surf in and many, many return. I’ll be migrating the blog to my website later this summer (including all the archives) and when Gloria, of GloDerWorks (she and Derry and their staff in the US and UK are web-meisters extraordinaire), does the move and re-vamp, not only will I give you all plenty of warning, provide links, keep this one going for a while, etc., but I’m hoping there is a way to archive all the posts to a disc. It’s fun to go back and see how I’ve chronicled what I’ve done! Oh, and when I do make the switch, I think I’m going to bite the bullet and pay for that cool SiteMeter that posts the countries that have visited by showing flags in the right, like at Lisa‘s and Dijanne‘s sites.

Now I have to head upstairs and lint roller the Chapter Banner, as tonight is photography night: taking pictures of the banner and the koi quilt to enter them into Houston. I got into the juried show once before, and I’m hoping this will be my lucky second time.

And once again, thank you! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{All of you}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
(Those are cyber-quilty-hugs by the way!)

5 Responses to “50,000 plus thanks you’s”

  1. joyce Says:

    Congratulations. I am not surprised that you have so many fans. Your work is wonderful.

  2. QuiltingFitzy Says:

    Me, I’m just a wannabe who slithers in your shadow! I love your work and your personality shines right through your writing.

    I’ll follow you to the 100,000 visit “and beyond”.

  3. Rayna Says:

    Isn’t it fun?? I just passed my 75,000 mark – amazing! Great post on the SAQA list, btw. On my way to Lowell in a few minutes – hope to see you there in August if you get there for quilt festival.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I have been reading your blog regularly for over a year now and feel like a bit of a stalker (I also lurk on the QA list). I am a huge fan of your work but I am compelled to write and let you know how incredible the new Koi quilt is. I love the water and the fins in particular. Congratulations. Thank you for your regular dosage of inspiration!
    Karen (

  5. dee Says:

    Thank you Sarah, I’ve learned so many things from reading your blog. It’s a gift to us.