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Self-Portrait Tuesday

I remembered! The day begins, blearily, at about 6 a.m. I get dressed, wake up Joshua on my way downstairs, hit the on-button on the computer on my way to the kitchen counter, then turn on the hot water kettle for tea. Then, I make the kids’ lunches, Joshua’s breakfast (Eli’s bus comes an hour later, so he gets to stay in bed another hour!), then roust Joshua again in time to eat something. Today he had the last egg, bacon and toast. I’m still trying to shed some of the extra weight I put on 8 years ago when preggers with Eli, so I fixed the first oatmeal of the season.

While Joshua’s eating, I sit down at the computer, and this is pretty much my world’s view . Paul walks the dog and Joshua to the bus stop (just a stone’s throw from our house) while I get 25 minutes alone with the ‘puter ’til time to wake Eli. Then, repeat the breakfast and bus thing. I can’t face the idea of food too early, so I usually eat along with Eli, who loves to watch Tom and Jerry (way more than modern cartoons) with breakfast. Today, it was unbelievably blustery. They say this isn’t Hurricanes Wilma and Alpha, but that they are off the coast interacting with a high pressure system that is bringing in strong winds and rain. Here’s a view of our sky this morning. Now, I’ve dithered away too much of the morning updating the website, blogging, catching up on e-mail, working out a t Curves, etc., so I’m going to work in my studio….

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