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Out of the blue…

or more accurately, down Route 17 from Augusta, Maine. So here I am on Weds., working out after errands, and the phone rings with an unknown number on caller ID…well out of state, didn’t even know the area code. Female voice: is this Sarah Smith? yes. The quilter? yes. Sarah Maleady Smith? (??? She knows my maiden name???) yes. Hi! This is Susan Clayworth! YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan was my absolute best friend and life saver in high school, and she was in Maine! Said she and her boyfriend had rented an RV to go to Acadia, but she couldn’t be so close and not try to reach me. So, we agreed to meet in 30 minutes in town!

We had lunch at Marriners, on the deck (which became a tad cool in the breeze) that overlooks Camden Harbor, and it was like 32 years evaporated. HUGE GRIN! Gotta run now to an Art Quilts Maine meeting, and still need to blog about last weekend with the Frayed Edges, and the progress on the koi quilt (slow but good), but just had to post this photo of us (above).

I’ve only seen Susan once since 1975, at our 25th reunion. What is amazing is that apart from both of us being a tad thicker in the waist, we look the same…. Susan’s hair is a little bit shorter, but we could still share clothes! I used to call her Mom “Mumsie 2” since she was like my second mom and I spent so much time at their house. I can remember one night when my dad was really getting on me and making me insane…it was summer in late high school. Well, after getting off the phone maybe 10 minutes later, Susan shows up, in baby doll pj’s under a coat in their ancient Nash Rambler (white, with aqua interior with wool carpeting that smelled, well, wooly, when wet in winter) and said “you’re coming to my house, NOW”. So I did. That’s a friend!

Now, to manage to keep up with each other in this insanely hectic era in which we live.

Oh yeah…how did she find me? She called a local quilt shop, the one nearest to Camden where I live, and asked them if they knew me. They had my teaching brochure, so they gave her my number! QUILTERS ROCK! and so does Quilting Divas shop in Rockland. WooohooO!

2 Responses to “Out of the blue…”

  1. QuiltingFitzy Says:

    That is very cool. Since I have moved so many times, I’m always looking for someone, lol. I use and find all kinds of old friends! Just reunited with someone from 1974 myself, it rekindles the spirit for sure.

  2. Jen Says:

    I think it’s hilarious that she knew how to find you just by calling a local quilt store! Now THAT’S a FRIEND!!

    -Cre8tive Quilter