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From Photos to Fiber

That is the name of my friend’s new company and soon-to-be website! Jan P. is a local quilter who, when I met her almost 3 years ago, was a budding art quilter. She has taken lots of classes (a lot at and worked to improve her technique and eye. Her husband is a fabuloso photographer, too. Jan has interpreted several of his photos (including two so far of her three sons… the third one is up next!) in cloth. So…. From Photos to Fiber.

Well, all of a sudden, with short notice and out of the blue, she and her husband got the chance to have a small show at the Lincolnville General Store at the junction of Routes 52 and 173 in Lincolnville Center, the town just north of where I live. Here’s the store,

And here is the cool door handle, which reads Golden Heart Refrigerated Bread

As luck would have it, their artists’ reception was right about the time I would be heading home from Frayed Edges at Kathy’s house, and if I took the back route, I’d drive right by!

Jan hung the show on Sunday afternoon, and the opening was yesterday. By the time I got there, 90 minutes after the opening began, Dwight had sold two photos and Jan had her very first professional art quilt sale! YEAH! Here a shot of folks looking at the photos and art quilts:

Here’s a picture of several quilts, including the one that Jan sold (still didn’t have sold written on it! the blue one with the fish…she painted it and it’s wonderful):

And a picture of Jan in front of her husband’s photos, with his lighthouse photo on her right and, to the right of that, the quilt she made based on the photo:

I couldn’t resist taking more photos on the way out… of the stained glass hanging over the antique wood stove:

And once again finding inspiration for quilting designs everywhere… the side of the old wood stove:

And the trivet built into the stove…what a cool idea (literally!) to get your pot up off the hot stovetop: A couple of months ago, Jan and I scheduled for the three of us (with her hubby, that is) to have a small group show at Zoot, a splendiferous coffee house here in Camden in October, so look for more of their work on view in public in just a few months (eeek! We need to get sewing!!!!). I’ll let you know when their website goes live in a few weeks. Cheers, Sarah

2 Responses to “From Photos to Fiber”

  1. kathy Says:

    they must have new owners, I’ve never seen this place look so good. Was the rangy old sheepdog sleeping in front of the door so you had to step over him?

  2. kathy Says:

    by the way, I like you and widgeon on your sidebar!