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Koi Update #6, the back

Just back from a glorious weekend away..2 days feels like 2 weeks of refreshing! Have to download over 150 photos and write up blogs, tho…so one more about the Koi quilt, then will take a breather from that. Until you go… the quilt is turning out great! more soon…

About a thousand years ago when I started writing about this quilt (if you’re not sick of it yet), I mentioned that I needed to get this done in a short time frame. But, I wanted it to be really cool, too. I have found that two places are really good for creative musing: the shower and working out. Well, this time I was working out at the YMCA on the rowing machine, where you are nearly sitting on the floor. As I looked up at the high, high ceiling and the lights, I thought about what it is like to look up from underwater and see the sunlight blinking through the water. The appearance of the surface of the water is completely different than from underneath.

So, I took the leftovers from fusing the top, and made a back! I used the two “rejected because they were too busy” batiks and used them here because (a) the “piecing” was simpler, and (b) you can see overhanging trees and vegetation from underneath the water. Here it is:

Remember that long ironing board with all the fused pieces of fabric on it ready to use? Well, I fused up another yard of fabric in addition to that, then a 1 1/4 yard piece of my hand-dyeds. Here is all that is left after doing the background of the front and the back:

Then I thought: wouldn’t it be cool to show the under side of the fish on the back. Ahem. So, I’m going to do that! I need to make the three fish and two fish-portions from the underneath view and quilt them. I’ll then position them on the bottom and stitch in place by machine. The outline of that stitching will then be the outline of the fish on top. I’ll applique the tops of the fishies in place and fuse up the fins and tails, then (finally) quilt the fins and tails (on both sides) at the same time! Sound convoluted? Yeah, to me too…… at least it sounds convoluted when I write it out. But I promise it’s gonna be really cool! More soon!

4 Responses to “Koi Update #6, the back”

  1. Lisa Flowers Ross Says:

    Cool idea for the back! What kind of hanging device are you thinking so you can see both sides?

  2. Evy Says:

    I’am loving this quilt already. Please don’t stop the updates, I’am far to curious as what the next step wil bring. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Kind Regards,
    Evy (the Netherlands)

  3. Vicki W Says:

    This quilt is turning out great. The idea for the back is ideal.

  4. QuiltingFitzy Says:

    But whatrugonnado when you love the back as much/more than the front? The possibility DOES exist, lol. Will you then create two fronts?

    Aren’t I the devil’s advocate?
