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Koi update #5–Fins and tails

The fish I was so smitten by were the ones known as butterfly koi. While surfing the web recently, I learned that some koi collectors look down their noses at the butterfly, not considering them “pure, true koi.” Oh well…. I think they are glorious! But even the regular ones are wonderful, too. I’m not as wild about the red/white combinations, or the nearly-all black ones that seem to be prized in koi circles… I love the yellow and the gold and the ones with the feathery white fins. So that is what mine are!

I took this photo last summer, when we were in Sarasota visiting Paul’s Aunt and Uncle on vacation. The hotel had a pond as well as the beach… I think there may be more than just this one quilt… when I have more lead-time, I want to do another one with the reflections of the overhanging palms…..

I LOVE Misty Fuse, a fusible web developed by quilt artist Esterita Austin and sold by her at her website (tho that store is temporarily closed), through Keepsake Quilting (among other places), and your local quilt shop. Misty Fuse is an incredibly fine, light fusible web that leaves a soft hand to the fabric and can be used at low enough temperature that you can fuse sheers, tulle and other cool stuff without melting the sheer fabrics.

I searched through my stash of sheers (sales at Joann’s are a good time to stock up). I used mostly these:

I made some highlights for the water with the blue, then used the cream and bright white for the fins, with a little bit of the matte gray, too.

Here is the selection of sheers I used for the koi after I fused them up. That red/orange stuff was truly vile…and I knew it would be perfect for flames; it is also perfect for koi! I’ve overlapped some so you can see the layering and transparencies. For the “regular” koi, I used the copper on top of the vile red/orange print. For the butterfly koi, I used the white, cream and pale gray. I ended up not using the gold or red at all, and used the aqua only for the water highlights.

Because I am a wicked tease, I’m only going to show you one of the koi right now! I plan on quilting the water, then doing something on the back (more on that soon enough), appliqueing the fish on the top, and fusing and stitching the fins last of all. So imagine this handsome fishie with some fun threadwork on the fins:

7 Responses to “Koi update #5–Fins and tails”

  1. computerpeach Says:

    I have really enjoyed seeing your quilt take shape – it is very interesting how it is made. I can’t wait to see the final photo.

  2. zquilts Says:

    It’s gorgeous Sb !
    ps: our box arrived and I am waiting until next week ….loved the label though! Me

  3. joyce Says:

    The koi look more amazing with each post!

  4. Dying to Quilt Says:

    Hello, I just happened upon your site, and I love it. The koi quilt is amazing. The use of sheer fabric has such a wonderful effect. I just had a fish “experience” myself today so yours caught my attention. (You can see a beautiful fish painting I posted on my blog today.) I’ll be back to read more, looks like there’s way too much for one sitting!

  5. QuiltingFitzy Says:

    The fins are fantabulous!

    Such a darned tease.

  6. Judy Says:

    Just finished reading your entire set of posts about the koi fish. This is amazing and beautiful!!!You are such an imaginative artist!Beautiful photos!!

  7. Carla B Says:

    love, LOve, LOVE your koi! Can’t wait to see how this WIP progresses!