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Koi update #3–finishing the background

The front is now as complete as it is going to be before I begin quilting. Here it is a step or two farther along than the last time I blogged about it:

And here it is ready to square up:

Usually I don’t finalize the edges of a quilt until it is nearly done… assembly completed, quilted, and ready to finish the edges. Many times that is because I don’t know what shape I want it to be in the end… I tend to resist proper rectangles and straight edges. However, this quilt needs to be done (and in record time!), so I made a decision before I began that this one would have straight edges, 90 degree corners, and no curvy outsides or other peskiness (at least of that sort!).

The dark line you see is some fuzzy yarn I was using to mark the edges on the design wall and make sure everything looked good, the angles were correct, etc., before marking with chalk and then trimming.

Tomorrow I’ll show what I did next with the koi…..

4 Responses to “Koi update #3–finishing the background”

  1. kathy Says:

    Sarah, your water background is totally awesome. Wonky edges?….I can visualize a corner that follows the ripple movement of your water….I’m into wonky edges too. It breaks up wwthe boredom!

  2. Quiltmuse Says:

    What Kathy said as regards the effect of the background. I think you are really on to something as far as method of construction goes. Love it!


  3. Corky Says:

    This is going to be a really great quilt (as always from you!) Enjoying watching the progress.

  4. Gerrie Says:

    This is going to be beautiful, Sarah. I am enjoying the process.