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Cutest thing on feet!

OK, so I’m a totally biased Mom, that’s my job! Eli came home from 2nd grade today all excited to show me his pillow…a croissant shaped lump about 5 inches long. The kids had colored on paper with crayons, ironed them onto white cloth, then made little pillows. He informed me he knew a running stitch, a special knot, and instructed me (!!!) how to sew it just so, leave an opening, turn it, then close it up, but Mom…what’s that other stitch called?

He was so excited, he did two more drawings which he promptly carried up to my work room and asked to turn into a pillow, so we did! That’s the square one with the flame / rocket / sword / doo-hickeys on them. The school pillow is on the left, the pillow made at home is on the right.

Then, because the little bug is the cutest thing on feet, as I was going up to tuck him in he announced that all his critters could share the two pillows, which he had carefully laid out on the foot of his bed. He usually sleeps with one or two critters (though he’s been known to smoosh as many as four or five onto the pillow next to him), and most often it is Lexie, the dalmation (usually found clutched under his arm…I warned you he’s the cutest thing on the planet!). If you look closely, the two pillows he made are tucked in there amongst his head.

Well, I’m just a chatty Cathy today aren’t I? The question is, will I remember tomorrow is self-portrait Tuesday, or forget like the last umpteen weeks?

PS—remember that quilt on his bed. At LONG LAST it is almost time that I can share Bedtime, my quilt that got into this year’s I Remember Mama exhibit….you’ll recognize the quilt and the blue walls…..

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