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Color Color Joy Joy!

I think my husband believes I am difficult to please. Actually it is very easy, and usually fairly simple. Color! Followed closely by books and cloth. And art supplies. And hugs. Move the hugs to number 1.

Since my quilting income has actually been sorta decent in a starting-out kinda way, I told Paul I wanted some Fiesta Ware for Mother’s Day, and that I would kick in over half the cost for buying six place settings from this place.

Then, the major “for mother’s day” splurge was to buy a Chartreuse mug and salad plate. That glorious color is now “retired” and moving into the price stratosphere. Before it goes any higher, I wanted some! See the small plate, below, between the Peacock and Sunshine Yellow.

Hubby, of course, wanted to know why we needed new dishes. The real reason is that I CRAVE COLOR, I need color, and I’m so tired of wood wood wood (which I love, but come on, you need some variety in life!). I started by adding two new kitchen towels (to replace the tatty disgraceful things we had), one red, one bright lime about 18 months ago. Last winter, I bought a “flame” small le Creuset kettle to go on the black woodstove between the kitchen and dining room. However, I also told him it is because we have eaten every single meal on white dishes since we married 24+ years ago, and have used the same set for the past 16 years. Time for a change!

The kids had no such trouble. I showed them the website color chart, said what colors do you like, and (thankfully there was a lot of overlap among the three of us) picked six so that each of us has at least two we love. Asked hubby to do the same. He came and looked, blankly, at the computer. “I don’t care.” HUNH? How can anyone not care about color? When pressed, he shrugged. So I ordered the colors the boys and I like! Joshua likes the Periwinkle and Sea Mist (the softer ones) and Peacock, Eli liked the Tangerine and Shamrock, and I liked the Peacock, Sunshine yellow and Tangerine. WooohooO! And, of course, the decadent Chartreuse!

So celebrate the color with me. And we can thank Roxanne, co Pres. of my local guild chapter, for some of the impetus…. I have wanted these dishes for eons, but last year Roxanne made a quilt inspired by her Fiestaware, and I finally succumbed to the temptation. THANK YOU! Now…. shall I make a Fiesta quilt? Maybe for the sofa….with fleece on the back. Here’s the “stash” of color (and the usual counter clutter….sigh….)

And tomorrow, I promise I’ll post the next to last (for a while) picture of the Chapter Banner, one that shows it all pinned up on the Design wall. On Saturday we have our chapter guild meeting, so will “unveil” it there, and then post to the blog over the weekend I hope. Toodles!

One Response to “Color Color Joy Joy!”

  1. Brenda Says:

    I want some Fiestaware too! I’ll just have to covet from afar…