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The Frayed Edges, late April 2007

What a crazy week…has been 6 days since we met at Kate’s house, and I’m only getting to write about it now! We had a wonderful visit, though Nina (Hannah’s new daughter) had had a fever that night. So for the morning and lunch it was Kate, Kathy and me. After lunch, we went over the hill and through the woods to Brunswick, to Hannah’s temporary digs (900 square feet for two adults, four girls and a dog!) while they build their house (which is delayed starting due to sodden earth!).

We compared our projects for Lark Books…. hmmm…. backing up a second. To our utter astonishment and delight, one of the editors at Lark Books contacted each of us early in the year after having seen our work in the Winter 2006 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine to invite us (!!!!) to submit proposals for projects to be included in a book to be called Quilting with Beads (pub. date of May 2008 or so). Hannah, of course, in the midst of selling a house, moving and adopting in China (with three girls already at home) had to pass on the chance, but the rest of us submitted from one (Kathy) to four proposals…. Deborah has 3 for 3 in the book, Kate and I have two each, and Kathy has one. I(t never occurred to me they’d take more than one each…so we’re all working FAST! Due date for submissions is May 21 including patterning, in progress shots, etc.

Well, it appears I forgot to take pictures of Kathy’s and Kate’s. SHEESH, what is wrong with me? Well… Kathy has shared a sneak peek on her blog and you’ll have to trust me on how awesome Kate’s will be. I am so totally inspired by Kate’s use of unconventional items as beads (like porcupine quills, horn pipe, broken crockery…. am I enticing you?). We spent part of the morning scuffing up the horn pipe beads since they were a bit too bright and shiny, and soaking them in the coffee dregs to age them appropriately. Perfect!

The picture above is of the lunch debris… I forgot (Deborah…we need you to be here and remind us to take pictures of the BEFORE!) to take pics of the food, but here you see Kate’s awesome batik (which I shared in an earlier post about our meeting at Kathy’s house) doing tablecloth duty.

And I was totally taken by this seaglass fishie in Kate’s bathroom:

Here is a tease of my project…I’m not sure how much of the finished one I can share, so this is just a portion of it! OMG…I am such a DOLT… it appears I ALSO forgot to take pictures of the finished project in the yellow/lime colorway! So, you get to see a snippet of the lime/turquoise one….. sheesh. I think I need a vacation?

Then we trooped over to Hannah’s temporary abode. If she looks tired, it is because she is, having been up all night with a feverish Nina who is almost one! Here is Hannah, Ella and her new baby sister Nina (who was doing much better when we were there):

And here is Nina exploring her mom’s glorious bead and sequins haul from shopping in China:

Ooooh pretty!

Best of all, we had cake for Kate’s birthday (which I totally missed…sigh!), BUT Kathy remembered and made these treats…aren’t they beautiful?

One Response to “The Frayed Edges, late April 2007”

  1. SiouxSue Says:

    You girls are sooooo talented. Good for you!